Wednesday 15 September 2010

Sucked In

So after an early morning law workshop and a long day working on the dissertation project at Grafton, I walked over to the city to find out when the new iPod Touch would be going on sale. 

I was walking down Queen Street, which was quite busy probably because of all the school kids enjoying their day off (due to that teachers' strike grrr!) when I was approached by some lady holding a book. She said she liked my yellow shoes and that it was my lucky day because she was giving away a book to people wearing yellow shoes and I happened to be the first one she had come across (OK...)

Anyway, I knew where this was heading and that she would try telling me all about her religion and convert me. Usually by now I would've told her I had a bus to catch, but I was too slow and got sucked in! I thought I might as well be courteous and listen to her.

She opened the book (she said she was going to give me) to the page above, and asked me if I knew what that blue thing was. I asked

"Is that the soul?"

"Very good! You're onto it! Did you think of that yourself or did you read the caption?"

"I read the caption"

I knew what it was anyway, but that was the easy answer. She then just casually chatted to me about what I was studying before she gave me the book and....asked for a donation! By now the book was already in my hands and I felt bad to just give it back and say no.

I did try say that I didn't have too much money, and to my surprise she pointed to the nearest ATM! To get out of this situation the easiest, the fastest way I could think of was to just give her some money and be done with it, so I got my wallet out and rummaged through it to find something, and she happened to see a note or two in my wallet and suggested I donated that. With no choice (well I did have a choice but you know what I'm like..) I just gave it to her and went on my way.

I did feel pretty stupid after that. I ended up paying for a book on another religion to which I don't belong to. I guess I can still read it just to get an idea of what Hare Krishna is all about.. 

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