Saturday 18 September 2010

Music for a Good Cause

All our rehearsals and practices were about to pay off. Tonight was the Med School Fundraiser II, the second such concert in two years. Donations from tonight's concert were going towards the National Heart Foundation. 

We had a rehearsal in the Grafton campus cafe in the afternoon, so I had to go straight from music teaching to rehearsal. We weren't too bad although there were some places we were a little shaky in. We rehearsed for a few hours before we finished. By then we only had a couple hours before we had to be at the music school ready for our final dress rehearsal!

I only just had enough time to go home, get dressed and then get taken by my dad to the music school! A few others arrived at the same time as me though so at least I didn't come late!

I set up my camera before joining the orchestra for a run-through of our pieces. We actually didn't sound too bad! We had a few extra people in our orchestra who were roped in, including a bassoonist! They are really rare!

Once rehearsal was over, we had about an hour before we were due to perform, as we were performing in the second half. The first half consisted of solo performances by various medicine students such as David Choi, our concert master last year! I think he was a bit too busy to continue this year.

A few of us decided to go have dinner at this Chinese restaurant called Neighbours. I asked one of my friends to suggest something for me to eat, preferably dry but she accidentally chose soup noodles! That's OK though, because it was nice and I managed to eat carefully enough so as to not spill any on my white shirt!

That all took an hour, and we soon headed back to the music school to prepare for our performance. Once we got our instruments ready, we waited in the foyer where I continued my debate with Tina and Megan, two optometry students who have been dissing pharmacy (because they know how much better it is than optometry!)

Once the first half and interval was over, it was time for our performance! We performed three pieces: 1st Movement of Symphony No. 6 (Pastorale) by Beethoven, Slavonic Dances No. 3 and 4 by Dvorak. Throughout our performance I kept an eye on my camera at the back of the theatre, hoping no one would knock it over! I then started wondering if I actually pushed the 'Record' button!

Our performance came off well, or at least we didn't stop or screw up! It was really fun being a part of an orchestra. I'll have to see if they'll let me in again next year!

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