Sunday 26 September 2010

Pharmacy Ball

Last night was the annual pharmacy ball, the last pharmacy I'd ever far as I know anyway!

After I got my music classes out of the way in the morning, I got home and mucked around and finally got around to sorting out what I was going to wear which was not hard since I'm a suit right? I was also going to wear the Tweety Bird tie that I had been given for my birthday earlier this year. The only dilemma was what colour my shirt would be! I didn't want to wear white as that was too plain, and so my mum gave me a red shirt. It just didn't match though, and so in the last minute I changed to a black shirt. It looked much better! To top it off, I had a surgical mask just for the theme - Masquerade! :D

Our church was having a Mid-Autumn Festival shared dinner that night as well, and because my family wanted to eat, I had to go with them to church in my suit! People were wondering why I was dressed so nicely! I jokingly told them I dressed just for the occasion!

After my dad had a chance to eat and I had caught up with some of the guys, my dad took me to the ball at Eden Park. Because there was a lot of construction work going on around the area, we drove around the stadium several times before we went down the wrong driveway and was told the entrance was somewhere else. I just decided to look for it on foot to avoid my dad getting honked at by others! I eventually found it.

When I got inside I joined some of my pharmacy friends at their table before going around taking photos with some people. Everyone looked really...nice! (I can't think of a better word right now!) I also managed to find my dissertation group (or three quarters of it!) to get a photo with them!


 The ball finally got underway, with some speeches by members of the APSA (Auckland Pharmacy Students Association) committee, and the class reps. For our year, the best couple award was awarded to Ali and Ibs which was quite funny as they both danced together later in the night! The guest speaker was this accountant.

After all the speeches, it was time for dinner! Dinner was a lot better than dinner at last year's ball at the Hilton Hotel. There was ham, deep-fried chicken, wedges, get the picture! I hadn't eaten all day so I was really hungry by then. I thought I could handle a second plate, which mainly consisted of deep-fried food, but I was soon bloated by the time I finished it!

Dessert was a bit of a disappointment though. We all lined up to get stamped and receive our one Magnum chocolate ice-block. I suppose it didn't matter too much since I was quite full by then!


For the rest of the night we did a lot of dancing! I was too full to dance well...not that I can dance well in the first place!

I had to take a break during the night by hanging out with some of the guys in the foyer as the music was quite loud! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the music. I like dance/techno music that you can actually dance to, unlike that hippity-hoppity stuff!

People started leaving after 11, and by midnight I had called my parents to come pick me up. They didn't come for another half an hour, and even then we had to figure out how to meet up with all the roadworks everywhere.

I got home at 1am, and because of Daylight Saving, I didn't get to sleep till 4am!

It was a really good night though, and a good way to celebrate the last year of my pharmacy degree!

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