Friday 3 September 2010

Coming up with a Case

I went to uni early in the morning this morning (especially for a holiday!) to meet up with my friend Alice and two other guys to take part in this practice case as part of the Management Consulting Club Case Competition (or something like that). 

Earlier in the week Alice had asked me if I'd be interested in taking part as she was looking for another member. Originally I wasn't so sure as I don't study commerce and was afraid I'd be more of a liability than an asset to the team (like that business-speak right there? :D) In the end I thought, why not? I've only got six more weeks of uni left to go. I might as well give it a go and have something else to add to my CV!

So this is how it goes - we were given a case which was maybe over 20 pages long, and given three hours to read it, come up with a strategy to help the business improve sales and then prepare our presentation that we would have to do in front of the judges.

We spent about 40 minutes reading and while I first thought we had plenty of time, we soon had to rush towards our allocated time!

Once time was up, we went to a case room to make our presentation in front of two judges. We didn't do too badly, although I think I talked a bit too much and even missed a few things since I couldn't remember what I had written on my slides! We ended up running out of time!

We had ten minutes of question time. Alice and Kevin, one of the other guys, answered most of the questions, although I did manage to say a little bit!

We got given some feedback from the judges but mainly on presentation. Hopefully we'll be better next week!

I had to go up to Grafton for an MHSSSO (Medical and Health Sciences Students Symphony Orchestra) rehearsal as we're having a performance in a few weeks' time. We did sectionals for the first hour and a half though, which was scary since I was the only viola player there! The conductor kept picking on me!
Afterwards we all joined together to rehearse before we finished by 4pm. I bumped into Chen and just went off for some Subway before catching up with Natalie, one of my pharmacy friends.

Later in the night we had youth group, which we didn't really do much except prepare the Fathers Day presents for the fathers on Sunday, and just talked for most of the time. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't read most of that but based on what I did read, I think you should ask Alice out.
