Friday 2 July 2010

Travelling in the Wrong Direction

This morning was the first time I’d be catching a bus into hospital. I got up early, had a shower and ate breakfast with Great Aunty Margaret before walking down the driveway and a few hundred metres to the bus stop. It was freezing cold and you could see the frost on the grass! One bus came by and I was about to catch its attention before I realised it was the wrong one and stood back. Not too long after the ‘20’ bus came and I got on.

The bus went through the Bus Exchange before stopping just opposite the Christchurch Public Hospital where I’d be at on the last day.

This time I arrived at the hospital before Joanne! When she finally arrived, we went with all the pharmacy technicians to this room filled with preserved body parts to hear one of the University of Otago professors tell us a bit of pathology. It was quite interesting! We were standing for a long time though!

After the meeting, I was taken by one of the pharmacists up to the neonatal unit where I got to see these really tiny babies in incubators and cribs! There were different parts of the unit. We started off walking through the intensive care unit where there was a little baby with cystic fibrosis which was kinda sad. As we kept walking through the unit we saw healthier babies which made things a lot more positive!

After checking out that unit, I was then passed on to this other pharmacist, who was the top intern in New Zealand last year! She took me up to the gastro ward, which just happened to be where the norovirus outbreak had occurred! Fortunately only some of the rooms in the ward were isolated and it was starting to clear up. I was quite tired by now after staying up late last night trying to finish off my work. I didn’t want the pharmacist to see that I was dozing off though!

Finally it was time for lunch. I couldn’t find Joanne so I went to a nearby café in the hospital, and ended up spending WAY too much on my lunch!

When I got back, I was then taken to another ward with another pharmacist. This pharmacist was cool, she taught me quite a bit and she even got me to fill in a yellow medicines card for a patient (it helps them remember what to take) and even explain it to the patient. She told me I did well, which was cool to hear because I don’t get too many compliments in pharmacy!

We arrived back in the pharmacy department slightly late. We were meant to be checking out the dispensary but they were too busy for us, so we just stayed in the office and discussed the remainder of our questions in our workbook before it was finally home time! We finished half an hour late but that was OK.

Joanne and I just walked down to the central city where we had a walk past a few restaurants she was thinking of going to for dinner with her friends, before we had a walk through Cathedral Square again, and this time went inside the Cathedral to have a look. All the chairs had been stacked in preparation for some kids’ event, so there was quite a bit of space!

Eventually we had to part ways, and I finally ended up checking out the Korean shop with all that Asian stuff in it! I was tempted to buy something but in the end I decided to save money. I did buy a thank-you card for my great uncle and aunt though.

I was sitting at one of the benches just staring at the intersection ahead of me, when these boys came over and asked me if I had any change so they could catch the bus. I told them I didn’t but that I would have a look. I tried to hide my notes though! I didn’t want them taking them! Instead I just gave them a few coins and they were on their way.

I finally decided it was time to go back home, so I went to the Bus Exchange and caught the ‘20’ bus that my great aunt had told me to catch. I got on and probably didn’t pay attention to where the bus was taking me…very soon I noticed the University of Canterbury sign and started thinking to myself that I didn’t pass the university in the morning!

I soon started wonder where I was! I got out the map and turned to the guy sitting nearby, and pointed to where my relatives lived, asking him if we were getting close to that spot. Instead, he pointed to the other end of the map! The bus I had caught was travelling in the opposite direction! What was worse was my phone had died, so I couldn’t text my great aunt to let her know what was going on! I got off at the very next stop, crossed the road and started walking until I found the next bus stop. It was just my luck that the next bus would be arriving in a minute! I jumped on and this time got home!

When I arrived home, I could see my great aunt in the window on the phone, saying something about being worried about me. I went inside and apologised profusely! Fortunately they were very understanding! At least I got to check out some of the sights of Christchurch…even though it was in the dark!

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