Friday 16 July 2010

40 Hour Week of Work

I've just spent the past week working at a community pharmacy. Now usually I would be dreading it, and not looking forward to it at all. This time around was no different. I just wanted to get it over and done with! What was different this time was that I quite enjoyed working there and actually learnt a lot! I can't really say much because of confidentiality and all that but I'll try give you a feeling of what went on!

When I first arrived on Monday morning, the pharmacist who would be looking after me was watching the FIFA World Cup Grand Final streaming on the pharmacy computer, so I joined him. What a way to start off the week!

Throughout the week I had this workbook that had a whole list of tasks I had to complete, and questions I had to answer. I don't really know how relevant or useful the questions were, except to give me something to do. At least the activities/tasks were good! I got a lot of dispensing done, and also blister packing! I kind of enjoyed blister packing when I didn't really need to think about things!

There was one time I put the wrong tablets in the blister packs, but fortunately I spotted my mistake before it was too late!

One of the activities I was required to do was to interview a patient for a medicines reconciliation task, but fortunately (for him, unfortuantely for me!) he was taking his medications well, did not have any trouble with them or understanding what they were for, which gave me very little to write about!

I also had to provide over-the-counter advice to some patients, and came across a patient who had an ulcer and needed something for it. I hope I recommended and sold the right thing!

As well as doing plenty of dispensing throughout the week, I gradually got to learn how to operate the till which was pretty cool! I was finally getting some retail experience! It wasn't too busy in the afternoons, so that's when the pharmacist would let me operate it!

I also drank quite a bit of coffee, as they would always offer it to me! It was only on Thursday night that someone told me it could stain my teeth, so I made sure I didn't drink any on Friday!

As for lunchtimes, I would spend my half hour lunch break sitting outside the pet shop eating my own lunch. On a couple of occasions I did head over to the nearest KFC to buy some food. How often do I get to eat KFC?

Overall I had a good experience this week, and it has made me less weary of community pharmacy!

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