Wednesday 21 July 2010

100 Truths

I got tagged on Facebook in one of these notes so I might as well do it since I want to procrastinate...

1. Last beverage : Water
2. Last phone call : Fiona
3. Last text message : Grace
4. Last song you listened to: Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City
5. Last time you cried : When my uncle died.....

6. Dated someone twice : Nope
7. Been cheated : Hope not. Nope!
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : Nope!
9. Lost someone special : Yep! My uncle and all my grandma who have passed away
10. Been depressed : Once in a while but I try to *think of happy thoughts, think of happy thoughts!*
11. Been drunk and threw up : No 

12. Navy blue
13. Black
14. ....either red or maybe yellow?

15. Made a new friend : Yip definitely! Quite a few!
16. Fallen out of love : Maybe out of like, but don't think love..
17. Laughed until you cried : Once or twice I think I might have shed a slight tear ;)
18. Met someone who changed you : Heaps of people!
19. Found out who your true friends were : Yip!
20. Found out someone was talking about you : In a good or bad way? Let's just say I've had both! haha
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : NA
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : (Facebook) Most of them! I've put those I don't know on my Limited list so I can try figure out who they are!
23. How many kids do you want? : 2 at least!
24. Do you have any pets :Tess and Mao Mao
25. Do you want to change your name: I wouldn't want to be called anything else!
26. What did you do for your last birthday : I had a small 21st birthday at my cousins'
27. What time did you wake up today: ~11am I think? Class started at 1.30pm so all good!
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : Sitting upside down on the couch trying to read my notes on insomnia! 
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : Graduation at the end of this year!
30. Last time you saw your Mother : Right now, she's sitting on the couch a metre away
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : I wish I learnt how to speak Chinese when I was younger so that I'd be fluent by now
32. What are you listening to right now : The TV!
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : I don't think so!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now : Having to complete my community and hospital pharmacy placement workbooks by Friday, as well as having to post something onto the discussion board of CECIL!
35. Most visited web page : Hotmail I think
36. Whats your real name : Calum FTC Anderson
39. Zodiac sign : Aquarius 
40. Male or female : Male
41. Elementary? : Henderson Primary School
42. Middle School? : Rangeview Intermediate School
43. High school/college? : Rutherford College
44. Hair colour : Dark dark dark brown
45. Long or short : Short
46. Height : 170cm 
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : I think so.........
48: What do you like about yourself? : I'd rather have other people tell me what they like about me than me telling you ;)
49. Piercings : none
50. Tattoos : none
51. Righty or lefty : Lefty.
52. First surgery: Last February (2009) had jaw surgery on my...jaw!
53. First piercing: None!
54. First best friend : Probably Hussein?
55. First sport you joined : Kiwi sport at primary school! Then it was soccer!
56. First vacation : Hong Kong when I was 6 in 1995
58. First pair of trainers : Primary school...or maybe it was kindergarten?

59. Thinking something more simpler than 1+1 = : Sleeping
60. Drinking : nothing
61. I'm about to : Finish this then try answer as many pre-workshop questions for tomorrow's workshop
62. Listening to : The TV once again!
63. Waiting to : Finish this off and then maybe grab some ice-cream!

64. Want kids? : Yip
65. Get married? : Yip
66. Career : In the immediate future probably something in pharmacy, but hopefully somewhere else in the long-term!

67. Lips or eyes : I usually notice something else :P But I have no idea about those two, maybe lips? or eyes? OK lips!
68. Hugs or kisses : Both!
69. Shorter or taller : Shorter
70. Older or younger : Younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic but a bit of spontaneity as well though!
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : Nice stomach!
73. Sensitive or loud : Sensitive but a bit of loudness though!
74. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship 
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : Hesitant with a bit of trouble-makerness ;)

76. Kissed a stranger : nope
77. Drank hard liquor : nope
78. Lost glasses/contacts : in the house!
79. Sex on first date : nope
80. Broken someone's heart : regrettably :(
82. Been arrested : nope! Been warned though!
83. Turned someone down : Yip but not immediately :S
84. Cried when someone died : Yip but not...immediately either!

86. Yourself : When I have a plan!
87. Miracles : Depends on the situation but I try to!
88. Love at first sight : For some people!
89. Heaven : Yip!
90. Santa Claus : Only the fake kind
91. Kiss on the first date : Only if it's meant to be
92. Angels : They come in all shapes and sizes ;)

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/ boyfriend at a time : nope
95. Did you sing today? : I hummed some Chinese song by Wang Lee Hom....I think!
96. Ever cheated on somebody's relationship? : nope!
97. If you could go back in time, how far would go : Maybe back to when I was at primary school!
98. If you could pick a day from last year, what would it be?: Maybe possibly one of the days at youth group camp?
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Sometimes I am but most of the time not really!

Hmm maybe it should be called 99 truths...

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