Sunday 18 July 2010

The Sleepover

Our youth group had a sleepover last night, which you could say was our camp for the year!

Aonghas and I started off by leading worship with a few songs. We sang 'This Little Light of Mine', where I tried splitting everyone into groups to create competition. Some groups were louder than others!

For Friday's youth group we were going to be doing activities. The first game we played was some very complicated game where we all sat in a circle and picked a piece of paper with someone's name on it and we had to try get all three people sitting on the small seats to be of our gender (so we'd be trying to get three guys) in order to win. Sound complicated? Yep it was! Anyway, the girls won the first game before the guys won the next game.

To tie the game up, we played another game. This one was more of a race, in which guys and girls had to line up in two separate lines and we had to pass a marshmallow using only a toothpick in our mouths! Us guys won of course!

The final game required us to sit in a circle and each of us had to come up with an animal sound and action and the rest of us had to copy. My animal was a Pug! It got a bit messy!

After that game we went to the gym to have supper and then start our epic soccer game which lasted for a couple hours! I think we played all the way till midnight! It was quite even for a while, till some of the girls started leaving our team and then the score ballooned to something like 18-5 to the other team! I also got a big blister on my left foot, which is the foot I use to kick, so I was out too! At least I wasn't the only person to get injured. Grace got hit and Hamish got a ball to the face, but lucky they're both OK!

The game soon ended and we all ended up just mucking around. We were using two separate rooms for the sleepover, one for the girls and the library for the guys. The girls arranged the chairs into 'beds' while the guys didn't even bother!

Some of the guys wanted to have a play around with musical instruments so Aonghas, Cleo, Hamish and Nadine went off to grab some of our musical instruments at home and then go find a supermarket still open after midnight. While they were gone, I just had a go at some of the music in a few books with Grace while others were playing around with Jenny and Jireh's violin and Gabrielle's guitar.

Almost an hour later, the guys got back with some Lipton Ice Tea and some of our other instruments. Jenny really wanted to have a go at playing our clarinet but couldn't seem to make a sound! I couldn't remember how to either! I hadn't played it since the Summer holidays! We eventually gave up.

Jenny then came up with the idea of singing karaoke in the hall since she knows how the PA system works, so she got that sorted and we just mucked around, playing music out of the sound system and singing badly into the speakers! The only problem was we didn't know the words to most of the songs!

Meanwhile, Cleo was straightening Aonghas's hair and applying make-up on him, so that he ended up looking a bit like an emo!

When we gave up on the singing, Gabrielle brought out the Cranium board game. We got into four groups and played for a while. That game involves acting, answering general knowledge questions, drawing and making sculptures with play dough! I was in Ben and James' team, and well...we won...eventually!

It was almost 4am when we finished the game and we were too tired to play another game, so we naturally formed two groups, with Gabrielle, Aonghas, Grace, Claire and Carmen forming one circle discussing some of Aonghas's problems/questions, while Jireh, Andrew, Ben, Jenny, Angie, Cleo and I formed another group and we played Spin the Bottle, in which we found out some interesting stuff about certain people! I can't say what though, as what is said in the circle stays in the circle!

Our game turned into a 'what would you do' sorta thing, where we had to say what we'd do in certain scenarios, before we ended up talking about our life problems and death and other deep topics!

The sun started to rise, and so Gabrielle took our orders for breakfast from McDonald's and went off with Aonghas and Claire to pick it up, while some of the girls shared scary stories (apparently Angie had a really good one) and a few of us just lay on the stage to rest a little.

Breakfast was finally ready! Apparently when the order was made all of the McDonald's workers all got busy working! Most of us ordered the Big Kiwi Breakfast.

We started packing up a bit before most of us went home by 11am. When we got home Aonghas and Hamish just went straight to bed, while I jumped on the computer to check out Facebook and try watch this Chinese drama that I've been following, but I was too tired and ended up falling asleep on the couch!

A lot of us were still quite drained the next day on Sunday, so much that quite a few people didn't show up at church! I had to be there though, since I was leading children's worship with Aonghas and Angie.

Lucky it was only one night staying up. I don't think I'd be able to handle two sleepless nights in a row!

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