Sunday 31 August 2008

Helping Out

Yesterday was Courses and Careers Day at Auckland uni and I had volunteered to help out at the pharmacy stand from 1-3pm. I had to teach in the morning and go to violin lessons, but once that was all done, my family, our neighbour Szelin and I went into the city to check out the goings on at uni.
We got there right on time and so I went straight to the pharmacy stand while the others split up. My mum and Hamish went around collecting free stuff while Aonghas went to the engineering school to find out more about computer systems engineering or something like that. My dad was already somewhere around probably checking out languages (typical!).

The pharmacy stand was quite small! I was expecting to have free stuff to give out but that wasn't the case. We did have placebo inhalers (inhalers with no drugs in them) to let people play around with though.
At first there weren't that many people coming by to our stand. According to those who helped out at the stand during the two hours before I started, most of those who were interested were girls. Not too bad not too bad!
Finally we got some people coming by...mostly girls of course, but there were a couple guys in between. There was a group of guys who came by. They were wanting to know if it was just a degee for girls! Excuse me! I was standing right there!!
During a lull in visitors one of the other pharmacy students took me upstairs to the free food! :D There wasn't much left at that time, so I went back down not too long after.
It was kinda fun talking to prospective students and persuading them to study pharmacy. We had the medicine stand on one side of us and the biomed stand on the other. I have to admit to dissing other degrees (namely medicine! We're sooo much cooler than them!!! I'm kidding I'm kidding! I went over to them and asked if they were interested in pharmacy. One looked at me funnily...) and told a few that we were cool and that's why you should do pharmacy! Nahnah that's not the only reason I gave them! The students who I did talk to were pretty cool and would make good pharmacy students, or classmates anyway! Most of them seemed intimidated by the selection criteria and process, such as how there is an interview process and only about 100 students are accepted. I used me as an example - if I could get in, then surely they could! (no guarantees though!!)
I did meet one guy from church who was considering doing biomed. I was expecting to meet a couple others from my youth group as they had told me at youth group the night before they'd come by, but it turns out they had to leave early so didn't get to. (Youth group the night before was pretty fun. We were put into random groups and given limited materials to use to protect our egg from being cracked when thrown up in the air and hitting the ground. We lost.)
The two hours went by really fast, but it was pretty fun! It's pretty cool being on the other side of things after attending these Course and Careers Days as a prospective student for the past few years.

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