Wednesday 6 August 2008

Complete Turn around

In the previous week I tried asking/texting a few people if they were free so I could hang out and have lunch with them (coincidentally they were all females), but they were all busy with class..or something. Talk about bad timing Calum! One of the first real times I actually bother asking people and my timing is all screwed. Anyway Monday was a complete turn around! Admittedly it was all a bit coincidental though..

It started off when I finished my morning pharmacy lectures (which I remember not that much about, too much zzzz....) and was eating lunch while revising a bit of biochemistry at the Business School. That's when Angie came over to say 'hi' and talk for a little while while she waited for her friends. She soon went off to look for them and I was back to my bacon and tomato sandwiches. She came back a little later on and sat down with me after discovering her friends had gone to some tutorial, so we just talked and....ahem studied until she had to go off to her lecture.

Not too long after she had left Sarena came by with her friend! They asked if I wanted to tag along with them and Amy who would be joining them, as they were going to some cafe/restaurant upstairs, which I've never been before. You thought the outside of the Business School is flash, well the inside is quite flash too! It was like one of those posh cafes for rich businessmen! We all sat down and talked while Amy and Sarena had their caffeine-filled drinks.

I soon had to go off to Biosci with Zahir, Archi and Esther which was typically as boring as hell. Originally I had planned on staying afterwards to attend the Medsci142 lecture that followed, seeing as it would be on puberty and all, but Biosci destroyed me so much I was about to leave at the end! That was till Sarena came over and I remembered I was going to attend the lecture with her! Well it sure made up for the lack of sex ed we received at high school! Oh and no guys (those I were sitting with) we're just friends!

To top off the day of catching up with people after staying at uni till about 9.30pm I was power-walking my way to the bus so I wouldn't have to stay at uni for another hour when David came from behind, and we caught the bus home together!

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