Saturday 23 August 2008

Balls, Beggars and Boobs

I've finally bought a ticket to at least one ball - the Pharmacy ball!! Here's the story behind my ball-going-decision-making dilemma:

Originally I was planning on going to the Pharmacy ball as that is the thing for a pharmacy student to do right? But then nearly all the 2nd years I asked said they weren't going! For $70 and no dinner, only finger-food and a few drinks, it didn't seem worth it to them. I then decided I wasn't going to the pharmacy ball!

I next considered the KiwiAsian Club ball!

I did attend last year's afterall and it was pretty good. If I was to go I'd prefer to sit with people I knew (which is not that many), but it turned out the table where all my friends would be sitting was booked out after two days! If I was to go I'd be seated with complete randoms and I'd be a loner! So it looks like I might give the KiwiAsian Club ball a pass.

I was walking to class at the Business school when I came across several posters stapled to a few trees advertising the Commerce ball - for the same price as the pharmacy ball but with buffet included! I would go to that ball but...I don't know anyone else who's going to it! all came back to the pharmacy ball when I discovered some people reconsidered and were now going to it, as well as the first years who were all going and really wanted me to go, so I started thinking that maybe I should just go for the experience. That was till I discovered they added a buffet dinner to the ball. Now I'm definitely going!!


I walked down Queen St tonight on my way to the bus stop. I counted at least five to six people - either donation collectors, buskers or beggars - all asking for money down the street! There were some good guitarists and harmonica players and teens trying to collect for SADD as well as some children's charity, but I have got to say the most questionable would be this lady who was playing a ukelele (score some marks for that!) BUT on the sign beside her collection box read:

"Any change for petrol and food. Thanks"

I saw her on the way to uni this morning at about 10 am, and she was still there at about 6pm! Now if she was really that desperate for money then petrol for her car would be the least of her worries and would be more of a luxury than a necessity, especially with today's sky-rocketing petrol prices!

During lunchtime there were also ordinary people asking people for spare change at intersections and as I was walking to uni with Phoebe this morning there was also this old man asking everyone he passed for a dollar. Begging seems to be the way to go these days!


Yours truly did NOT attend the Boobs on Bikes Parade this year despite what he may/may not have said. In fact I was a good boy and attended my CHEM230 lecture! I did however go down to the Dymocks bookstore just before the parade to try spend Aonghas's soon-to-expire book voucher with no success. As I walked back to uni (note: before the parade started!!) it was really weird seeing so many people gather along Queen St. You got your Asians, road workers, parents, uni students, and as the NZ Herald reported, Auckland Grammar boys! There were even people clamouring onto the tops of telephone boxes just to get a good view! I even caught a television reporter interviewing a mother with a pram!

All for free boobies... 

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