Saturday 2 August 2008

Dessert Night!

Thursday night was Dessert Night!! It was the first KiwiAsian Club event I've attended this year as I thought I better attend at least one event before their next AGM! It was an interesting experience...

Because it was the first event I've been to this year I didn't know anyone when I first turned up except for Kat, Dominica, Amy and Bettina but they were sorta busy with their own friends so I was a bit of a loner to start off with! I did catch up with Dominica and she introduced me to this girl Anzie (yeah what an interesting name! I originally thought she said Angie!) and she happened to be in the same group as me when we got into our allocated groups to play a game involving transferring Malteses from one cup to another by sucking through a straw!

After that game we got started with the dessert and were allowed some cake and a couple of drinks. Once again I had no one to sit next to since I didn't know anyone! I found a spare seat at the table with Anzie and another girl she was talking to. For a while I just sat there listening to their conversation until the other girl left and she and I just talked for a while.

There were a few random events throughout the night such as an ice-cream eating competition. I'd be sick of chocolate by the end of that! Earlier in the day I had bought six cookies from Subway which were a bit too sweet for me after the third straight one!

I ended up having to leave slightly early so that I didn't miss the bus but hopefully I didn't miss too much at the end! Now I've just got to try make it along to a few more of their events this year!  

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