Monday 4 August 2008

A Bit of a Reunion!

A few of us ex-Rutherfordians got together for a dinner at the Breakers restaurant on Saturday night to catch up with each other which was timely, as it's been a while since I've seen quite a few of them! I was still at home getting ready to go so I could arrive on time at 6.30pm when I got a text from Amy saying everyone was already there! I got there, thinking I was only three minutes late, only to discover we were all supposed to meet at 6pm!

No one had ordered yet so that was OK! There were about ten of us there. A few were missing, hopefully they had a good enough reason for their absence!! The restaurant had a bit of a surfer theme with Beach Boys-like music playing in the background, surfboards hanging on the walls and a mini van around one set of seats and table! The best thing about ther restaurant though were the many TV screens which played the live rugby when it came on! Oh and what a game! The All Blacks redeemed themselves for sure! Now to make sure it wasn't a one-off, they need to play just as good away from home in their next test!

Anyway back to our get-together, it was good seeing everyone again! I hadn't seen Estee and Pita in a while and it's good to still see them going strong! I also hadn't seen Jane, Claire, Larry, Ellyce and Sarena in a while too. I also saw Nikki for the first time since the first day of the semester. I sat with Sarena and so it was good catching up with her and reminiscing over the good times. I ordered this burger called the 'Big Kahuna Burger' which came with chips and it was a new experience for me! The burger was so massive it had this massive toothpick which was stuck through the centre of it to keep it upright! We also had dessert and with Sarena's help I ordered this donut with ice-cream which tasted pretty good!

We soon all got a bit carried away by the rugby game and went a bit silent! Once it was half-time though everyone decided it was probably the best time we left, so we all went our ways. Sarena offered me a ride home which saved me from having to get Aonghas to pick me up. Yep even though I have my restricted my parents don't trust me driving at night, especially in wet weather!! Sarena and I were in her jeep and she just started the motor when there was this loud thud on the driver's window! We both jumped with Sarena cursing hahaha I thought she had hit something but it was only Estee hitting the window! (No not flying off the window!) Sarena jumped out and gave her a good beating! Minus the violence..

It was good to see everyone again, and as I told a few of them it was only just a couple weeks ago I had sent an email to Hyun and Joon, my Korean friends in America telling them about how distant I had grown from our high school mates! At least now that distance has shortened!

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