Monday 28 November 2005

What a Way to Mark a Birthday!

Aonghas is turning lucky 15, and what a way to remember it! We were driving through the city centre of Henderson when we approached an area that had been cordoned off by police, with over five police cars around the area and policemen surrounding the perimeter. So we had to take a detour around the back of the cordoned area, and even the area behind the shops had been cordoned off and there was a man who looked as if he was some forensics guy with gloves, tools, etc. We began to wonder if someone had died or if there was some bomb scare or something but conveniently it just hit 4 o'clock and headline news on Newstalk ZB was:
"A robbery-gone-wrong has ended in one man dead and another man shot by police"
(For those who didn't watch the news or haven't heard, a knife-wielding man robbed a sports store (I suspect the one with kayaks usually outside it near the Salvation Army shop), stabbed the owner in the arm and another man before fleeing. He then stabbed an elderly man on the street. The elderly man died while being taken to hospital. The police arrived and called for the man to give up the weapon, but the man refused and a general duty police officer shot him three times.)
Eeek that was freaky! I'll post a couple of photos when

1 comment:

  1. i dont understand why he shot him three times...that was a bit drastic.
