Friday 11 November 2005

Byebye 2005

No more school for 2005! (apart from NCEA exams and book return day)

I spent first period rehearsing with the choir and then wandered around for second period so I didn't have to go to chemistry. Mrs Taylor called me over to give me a letter Labour MP Chris Carter sent me about winning the Young Enterprise regional championship thing. That's when I met Ms Cumming who asked me to write up a report for Student Rep within the next 5 minutes! So I told her I would go back to chemistry class and do it, but when I got back to chemistry class I ended up taking all these photos forgot all about it! Half an hour later in physics class I remembered and got it in back to her!

My first official duty as headboy ( doesn't really count yet because in the end I didn't do it) was to direct traffic and let guests know where to park. I had to rush off to choir practice though so I left it up to Heather, Jane and Patrick. The carparks were all clear after prize-giving so I'm sure they did a good job!

We spent all of English eating, taking photos and drinking. I wanted to spend lunchtime with friends so I thought I'd go off and practise my accordion solo that I had to perform at prize-giving. Lunchtime came and took more photos!

Prize-giving was cool. It started off with Matthew and some junior girl singing and playing on the guitar this really sad song as staff and these professors in Harry Potter clothing walk up the aisle and onto the stage. Prizes were awarded and congratulations to everyone who got awards! I ended up getting first in Chinese, first in biology, first in yr 12 science overall, first in yr 12 speech competition, contribution to school production award, and the award for best overall research (which wasn't really for research but something to do with science).

I then had to perform my accordion solo which I thought I'd really screw up but thank goodness everyone was laughing at my bellowshaking loud enough to cover my mistakes! I forgot my words for the two songs we sang for choir (Workin' my way back to you and Shanandoh) but managed to remember them in time!

To cap off the day all prizewinners were invited to afternoon tea at the staffroom after prize-giving. What a good way to end the year! It's going to be sooooooo sad seeing all those yr 13s go and all those yr 11's and 12's leaving our school. At least there will be book return day to catch up with everyone for one last time before the end of the year!

>>You can check out some photos at the @ndersons website (all photos) or at my MSN Spaces page

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