Tuesday 8 November 2005

Celebration All Round

Happy Birthday Lindsey, Jason, and Maxine for yesterday (7th November)!!

I just found out today that my cousin Greg got elected as headboy of his school Henderson High for 2006! Congratulations Greg!!

Today we had merit awards assembly for those who came second or third in clsss, or the teacher just happened to choose them for a merit award. Originally the merit awards assembly was going to take all of 5th and 6th period which meant I'd miss biology and chemistry, but because it was so short we had to go chemistry class after! I only got merit in English

Tomorrow we have 6th period off (which means no physics for me!) for the cultural awards assembly, and then we miss a bit more of school on Friday, our very last day of school before exams for the final prize giving ceremony when I have to perform this Italian Concerto by Bach (I'm sure the students will all find it riveting!) which I have never managed to perform without stuffing up!

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