Wednesday 30 November 2005

Happy Birthday Shen!!

Today I spent most of the day running around university following my brother as he tried to get his student loan and scholarship application forms all sorted out.
Originally I was also going to get my eyesight checked and probably some new glasses today, but it got postponed again, so no new glasses and no learners license for me for a few more days!
I also rang the computer shop where we bought the graphics card that wouldn't work with our computer, and the lady told us that it's because our motherboard is too old, so it looks like we'll have to buy a new motherboard now...With all this money spent we probably could have bought another new computer! We're going to try that and HOPEFULLY it works!

A Trip Down Memory Lane

I thought I'd post some random photo dating back a few years ago from the Anderson album just for a little bit of fun!
This is a photo from Henderson Primary's 150th Anniversary back in 1998, with some of the students from the school's production and a few extras singing on the outdoor stage. You (especially you old guys from Henderson Primary!) might recognise a few of the little kids up there! I might put a few up over time if I find any interesting old photos of you guys! ;)

Nearly All Over!

I sat my physics exam today. It was terrible! I've got Chinese left this Friday, which hopefully shouldn't be too bad. Come 5pm this Friday, I will be just like the majority of you, with no exams to worry about! 
Tonight I caught up with a few old friends which was really cool as I haven't chatted to them in a while. I'm hoping to meet up with a few of them during this holiday, which will be the first time I've seen a few of them in five years! I've known a few of them since primary school and have been together with them right up till intermediate school when they attended a different secondary school and left me! It'll be good to catch up with them anyway. Hopefully they'll recognise me!
Lately for some reason I've developed a taste for movie music, especially orchestral music like The Shawshank Redemption, Lord of the Rings, basically anything by John Williams, Howard Shore or James Horner and thanks to Phoebe I've started getting into Asian music! I don't understand what they're singing but some of the tunes are catchy. After helping Aonghas out with one of his Chinese assignments where he had to find a Chinese song and translate it, I realised that most of the music is about love anyway! (which I don't really need to know about thank you very much!)
For all of those looking for ways to celebrate Christmas, Rangeview Intermediate are having their annual Christmas carols evening next Thursday 8 December, entry with a gold coin donation, and the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (you might see my brothers and me somewhere in there!) are performing a carols sing-along concert in the Town Hall sometime I'm not too sure.

Monday 28 November 2005

What a Way to Mark a Birthday!

Aonghas is turning lucky 15, and what a way to remember it! We were driving through the city centre of Henderson when we approached an area that had been cordoned off by police, with over five police cars around the area and policemen surrounding the perimeter. So we had to take a detour around the back of the cordoned area, and even the area behind the shops had been cordoned off and there was a man who looked as if he was some forensics guy with gloves, tools, etc. We began to wonder if someone had died or if there was some bomb scare or something but conveniently it just hit 4 o'clock and headline news on Newstalk ZB was:
"A robbery-gone-wrong has ended in one man dead and another man shot by police"
(For those who didn't watch the news or haven't heard, a knife-wielding man robbed a sports store (I suspect the one with kayaks usually outside it near the Salvation Army shop), stabbed the owner in the arm and another man before fleeing. He then stabbed an elderly man on the street. The elderly man died while being taken to hospital. The police arrived and called for the man to give up the weapon, but the man refused and a general duty police officer shot him three times.)
Eeek that was freaky! I'll post a couple of photos when

To TV3 re:Christmas in the Park

After discovering that TV3 would screen Christmas in the Park this year I felt the need to fill out their feedback form (even though it isn't really feedback):
I noticed that Christmas in the Park will be covered by TV3 again this year. I'm pleading with you guys to please stick to the stage and the performances this year rather than give your station's 'celebrities' publicity. We want to watch Christmas in the Park, not TV 3's celebrities in the park! Please do it right this time!
Last year it was a struggle watching it on TV3 as they kept cutting performances off to interview their own TV3 celebrities! I doubt they will reply but let's see...

Friday 25 November 2005

Typical Computers

Thank goodness this computer's working again! We originally thought we had stuffed our motherboard but thank goodness we didn't spend extra money on a new one when this one was fine!

Because we need to do some video-editing on this computer (and we all know how memory-consuming it can get!) we decided to get a new graphics card and another hard drive. At the moment our computer only has a 65Mb graphics card which is really slow especially when rendering video and playing computer games! We're also down to our last gigabyte of memory despite already having 230Gb. So we bought a 256Mb graphics card and another 250Gb hard drive. After some playing around and formatting we got our hard drive going, but whenever we put in the new graphics card the monitor would remain on standby and wouldn't turn on! This graphics card didn't come cheap so we were hoping we had damaged it in some way so we could get a replacement under warantee. Unforunately after getting it replaced the same thing happened so we're stuck with this graphics card that isn't even compatible with our computer!...unless someone knows how to fix it? It is an ATI Radeon X800 Pro series 256Mb graphics card and our computer is:
Intel Pentium 4 2.40Ghz
AGP Motherboard
1.0 Gb ram
80 Gb+150Gb + 250Gb Hard Drive

After some fiddling with the BIOS our computer wasn't working for most of today but we got it going again today (even though it says something is wrong with our floppy disk drive). But...the new graphics card still won't work!!

Thursday 24 November 2005

Two More to Go...Not Looking Good So Far

I've had four exams so far - Biology, English, Calculus and Chemistry and I don't think I've done too good in any of them...what a way to cap off an unbelievably bad year!
I felt the least prepared and the most vulnerable for the end-of-year school exams this year than I had felt before any exam I've sat, and even though I managed to get through them all without failing them, I'm not so sure I'll get through these NCEA exams with such luck! 
In fact...I've already started planning on alternatives if it comes to such a case that I end up failing a few of my subjects such as chemistry, English, biology or calculus. I might end up doing year 13 English communication, make a return to the commerce subjects, try out classical studies....I have no idea but now I'm starting to worry! 

Tuesday 22 November 2005

Congratulations Ayesha!

Congratulations to Ayesha (who I'm proud to say I went to the ball with ;) ) who has gained a First Foundation Scholarship and will be partnering with the great and almighty Fonterra Co-operative Group!
(OK so the article isn't about her but she's still in it!)

Monday 21 November 2005

Japan Day 05

The Japanese drummers performing on stage while everyone wanders around looking at stuff and buying things


Yesterday I went with my family to Japan Day out at ASB Stadium where there were all these Japanese stalls, Japanese performances and of course Japanese people. There were some Japanese drummers which were pretty cool and heaps of kids from a Japanese kindergarten doing a little dance with some Japanese superhero jumping in to join them. They announced there would be 'memorable' photo opportunities with the Japanese superhero so I was thinking of getting my photo taken with him...till they announced it'd cost $3!
They were even selling tadpoles at this festival, so we bought a couple to add to our fish tank with the other two surviving fish Sarena and Rydia. We still haven't named our tadpoles yet or thought of what we're going to do once these tadpoles grow into frogs!
After that we went into the city to watch the Auckland Symphony Orchestra perform in a concert of South Pacific music. One of the pieces featured an accordion soloist from America which was of interest to us. After this woman had played the conductor got the lady to explain a bit about the accordion so I'm guessing it was a bit of publicity for the accordion which is good!
On Saturday after finishing teaching all my recorder classes I was told I might get more students next year and have more classes which will hopefully increase my pay! I also tried ringing the guy from the coffee shop but it was his answering machine and he still hasn't rung me back. I suppose I really should ring him back if I want to seem as though I want the job...
NB. What a huge response to my last post on the dangers of oral sex! Three comments on my MSN Space! That has never been seen before! I should post more of that stuff up! (Not as in more posts on sex but more on issues and stuff!)

Friday 18 November 2005

Don't Put Things in Your Mouth

Warning: This post contains sexual content and parental guidance is recommended.
(I'm not trying to be sick or anything but maybe more of a 'health advocate' ;) )

New research has found that putting certain 'things' in your mouth i.e. oral sex can give you a greater chance of developing mouth cancer. So for all you guys and girls, before you fill your mouth remember that oral sex is not a safe substitute for the real thing! But if you can't help it, be careful! I've never heard of mouth cancer till I read this article though (and that wasn't deliberate either!)

For more information, read this article .

NB. Smoking and alcohol also contribute to mouth cancer as well, especially when you're an older man

Happy Birthday + 2 Days! The Democratic Republic of Calum

Happy Birthday Hamish (for yesterday)!!

Happy 1st Birthday + 2 days Democratic Republic of Calum!

It's been a year and a day and 302 posts since I started this blog and I'm still going! I'm not too sure if anyone reads this but I shall press on!

I'm half way through my NCEA exams, having done biology, calculus and English. So far none of them have been too great. I'm not too sure how I did in my English exam and whether I actually answered the essay questions properly!
There was one that asked which methods were used in the short texts I had studied to influence my opinions on important ideas. I started off writing about how certain methods affected how readers felt, and then thought to myself....a thought or feeling isn't really an opinion is it? So I ended up changing parts of my essay!

I've still got chemistry coming up in a week, Physics and Chinese two weeks later, and then I'll be free!!

By the there anything wrong with a guy working at a little 'coffee shop' that sells cakes, biscuits, and obviously coffee? I saw an advert looking for part/fulltime staff of all ages so I might apply for the job so I have something to do over the holidays...that is if it's OK for guys to work at these sorts of places!

The Rise of Lawn Bowls

Our very own Bronwen appeared in an article about lawn bowls today in the Western Leader! Go Bronwen!!

Tuesday 15 November 2005

No More Biology for This Year!: The Aftermath

I've just come home from my three hour NCEA Level 2 Biology exam and it was horrible! I'm left with a nearly blistered thumb and a very sore neck. I'm in desperate need of a massage before I have my calculus exam tomorrow morning and the English exam the following day!

I'm not exactly too sure how I went in the biology exam. I nearly ran out of time completing the plants paper (comparing reproduction process of three different plants) but fortunately finished the ecology paper five minutes early. There was a bit of a surprise in the animal transport systems paper and the plant reproduction paper as it had one extra question that the teachers had not prepared us for! The cell structures paper also contained questions on respiration and photosynthesis which was frustrating especially when we were told we didn't need to know too much about it thanks to the vague achievement standard!

Oh well best thing about now is NO MORE BIOLOGY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!!! On to calculus! Five more to go!!

Monday 14 November 2005

All the Best People!

All the best to everyone who is sitting NCEA exams this week, especially biology tomorrow! I've been trying to study biology all weekend and I'm starting to realise I won't be able to memorise everything by tomorrow afternoon!
Good luck too to all those who have NCEA Level 2 English and economics in the same day on Thursday! That's 6 hours stuck in the hall sitting exams, which is 25% of your day! Have fun! ;)
Anyway I'm off to bed, so I can wake up early tomorrow morning and study more biology!

Friday 11 November 2005

Lucky Me!

Me with Phoebe and Esther and all these other girls!

Byebye 2005

No more school for 2005! (apart from NCEA exams and book return day)

I spent first period rehearsing with the choir and then wandered around for second period so I didn't have to go to chemistry. Mrs Taylor called me over to give me a letter Labour MP Chris Carter sent me about winning the Young Enterprise regional championship thing. That's when I met Ms Cumming who asked me to write up a report for Student Rep within the next 5 minutes! So I told her I would go back to chemistry class and do it, but when I got back to chemistry class I ended up taking all these photos forgot all about it! Half an hour later in physics class I remembered and got it in back to her!

My first official duty as headboy ( doesn't really count yet because in the end I didn't do it) was to direct traffic and let guests know where to park. I had to rush off to choir practice though so I left it up to Heather, Jane and Patrick. The carparks were all clear after prize-giving so I'm sure they did a good job!

We spent all of English eating, taking photos and drinking. I wanted to spend lunchtime with friends so I thought I'd go off and practise my accordion solo that I had to perform at prize-giving. Lunchtime came and took more photos!

Prize-giving was cool. It started off with Matthew and some junior girl singing and playing on the guitar this really sad song as staff and these professors in Harry Potter clothing walk up the aisle and onto the stage. Prizes were awarded and congratulations to everyone who got awards! I ended up getting first in Chinese, first in biology, first in yr 12 science overall, first in yr 12 speech competition, contribution to school production award, and the award for best overall research (which wasn't really for research but something to do with science).

I then had to perform my accordion solo which I thought I'd really screw up but thank goodness everyone was laughing at my bellowshaking loud enough to cover my mistakes! I forgot my words for the two songs we sang for choir (Workin' my way back to you and Shanandoh) but managed to remember them in time!

To cap off the day all prizewinners were invited to afternoon tea at the staffroom after prize-giving. What a good way to end the year! It's going to be sooooooo sad seeing all those yr 13s go and all those yr 11's and 12's leaving our school. At least there will be book return day to catch up with everyone for one last time before the end of the year!

>>You can check out some photos at the @ndersons website (all photos) or at my MSN Spaces page

'Tis the end!

Wow what a way to end the year! School was cool! I didn't have to do anything, and prize-giving was cool which ended with a little bit of afternoon tea afterwards! I also took 212 photos in one day! I'll post again later with all the photos!

Thursday 10 November 2005

They're all going!

Tomorrow is the last day of school and could be the last time I see some of my friends for a little while! Ben isn't coming back, Chantelle is moving on to the big world of AUT, Esther might be going...I'm gonna track them down and take photos of them with me...just in case they become famous and I need something to sell to get myself out of debt trouble!...and also for memories...
We've got prize-giving tomorrow afternoon when I'll have to perform my accordion solo as well as sing with the choir. I'm singing the tenor part with these two other guys (one is a man teacher) and they keep singing the tune so I always end up singing the tenor part all by myself. At least no one can hear me then :D Congratulations in advance to you all who are getting awards at prize-giving!
There's going to be a lot of sniffing and tears going on at school tomorrow!

Tuesday 8 November 2005

Celebration All Round

Happy Birthday Lindsey, Jason, and Maxine for yesterday (7th November)!!

I just found out today that my cousin Greg got elected as headboy of his school Henderson High for 2006! Congratulations Greg!!

Today we had merit awards assembly for those who came second or third in clsss, or the teacher just happened to choose them for a merit award. Originally the merit awards assembly was going to take all of 5th and 6th period which meant I'd miss biology and chemistry, but because it was so short we had to go chemistry class after! I only got merit in English

Tomorrow we have 6th period off (which means no physics for me!) for the cultural awards assembly, and then we miss a bit more of school on Friday, our very last day of school before exams for the final prize giving ceremony when I have to perform this Italian Concerto by Bach (I'm sure the students will all find it riveting!) which I have never managed to perform without stuffing up!

Sunday 6 November 2005


Ain't Guy Fawkes night special? Not even the light rain could stop the fireworks being lit! Of course our family didn't set any fireworks off but we watched from our kitchen, and drove over to outside the Trusts Stadium as they set off their really really huge fireworks.

When we got home, we kept watching fireworks through the kitchen window when we saw these teens with little children walking around the middle of the road outside, and setting fireworks off aiming them at and down the road. They even set off those spinning magic sings in the middle of the road! Cars had to swerve to miss them with one of them driving right over it. They could've either endangered the lives of those driving by or those living in houses nearby, so I took the liberty to ring the police. However because they weren't 'throwing fireworks across the road or under a car' it didn't sound as though they considered it a priority or even an offence. So we kept a look out for these guys who continued to set fireworks off in the middle of the road, so my brother rang the police again who finally said they would try send someone over to have a look. Ten minutes later when the road had cleared and the guys were nowhere to be seen, a police car drove by.

Apart from that though, the fireworks at the Trusts Stadium was great, and there was a great atmosphere!

We should be thankful the Labour government is unlikely to ban fireworks from being sold, like it has been in some parts in Australia where only public fireworks displays are allowed. Just because a few people misuse fireworks and some don't keep their animals inside doesn't mean the rest of the population who want to enjoy fireworks should suffer

Thursday 3 November 2005


Headgirl for 2006: Heather
Deputy Headgirls for 2006: Jane and Joanne
Deputy Headboy for 2006: Hyun and Patrick
I got headboy which really surprised me! I was sitting through first period of calculus with Hyun wondering if they were going to tell us soon. Sure enough during the next period of biology they called us up and let us know.
Initially I wasn't rating my chances too highly because we had our interviews yesterday. I was first, and when I went in, the principal just said to me
"OK so tell me about yourself"
I was a little surprised but then just started talking and talking. The principal asked me about intermediate school and how I was headboy at Rangeview, as well as my musical contributions and then whether I was the cameraman for my brother's video. That was it. After everyone else had their interviews, I talked to them all and they told me the principal had asked them all these difficult questions like how they would deal with this sort of issue and that, etc. I asked one of the assistant principals if it meant anything that they didn't ask me those sorts of questions in my interview and she told me not to worry about it.
This morning before the principal announced the positions, he told us
"Now I came under some criticism from Calum for not asking him the questions I asked everyone else, but that was because he kept talking and talking and talking! "
Anyway it sounds like it will be a good team for next year, including those in the student management group. I can't wait!
Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive of me (if you're reading this!) I'm really grateful for everything!

Tuesday 1 November 2005

The Discovery of Anime

On the 1st of November, Calum discovered anime. In recent times I haven't been such a fan of anime cartoons, with most of them revolving around monsters and stuff like PokeMON and DigiMON and Yugioh and Duel Monsters or whatever, as they were all the same thing...collect several thousand monsters to save the world! Although today I stumbled across some anime movie which wasn't too bad and it wasn't about collecting and battling monsters to save the world either! So recently I've been on a cartoon search and also came across Happy Tree Friends which I watched once sometime around Christmas on C4 last year, where these fluffy little animals managed to die in all sorts of creative ways around their Christmas tree. The cartoon really revolves around these little animals getting killed in different ways! It's pretty funny in a way but only if you can stand all the blood that splatters everywhere!
Now if only I had Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon...that would be cool...