Tuesday 11 October 2005

Worrying Times


School's started again, with only five weeks left till the proper proper NCEA exams, and I'm worried! I'm fast running out of time, and am not at all ready, especially for physics! To make things worse there are all these distractions - four internal assessments next week: Chinese writing, music solo and group performance and English monologue thing. I just got asked today to perform at a charity performance next Tuesday as well which will add to it all, although I suppose it'll help me prepare for my NCEA solo performance.

Head student elections will also kick-off next week. There are five girls running for headgirl (Kirsty, Renee, Heather, Jane and Joanne) and five guys running for headboy (Shen, Patrick, Hyun, Ryan S and me). Everyone who put their name down for the student leader group (which was predominantly students from the kaleidoscope class with the exclusion of two!) will most likely end up in the student leader group, which is cool because I don't think I could stand to see anyone have their hopes dashed or anyone split up from their friends (I know it probably isn't a big deal for some but yeah I feel bad about a lot of things!) Anyway next Monday at assembly all of us will most likely give a few words to the senior school before they vote in an indicator vote (the teachers also have a chance to vote and the principal makes the final decision).

It hit me today though that it's looking like an uphill battle for me to become headboy, as I'm up against some very able guys! If you get the most votes, it's most likely the principal will go with you and so you're a bit screwed if you don't. I was talking about this to my mum on the way home today and my mum suggested that if I don't get headboy I could maybe try apply for university instead. That could be an option...apart from a bit of extra knowledge and friends (not so sure about that one!) there isn't exactly a lot for me to stay around for. If I manage to pass all my level 3 assessments I might be able to get enough credits to pass NCEA Level 3 (but that's a long shot!), and if I go to university I'd be able to do all my university studies and finish a year earlier as well. Then again, I still have no idea what I would study at university, so that will most likely see me stay for year 13 regardless!

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