Friday 21 October 2005


Today was another one of those days. I got caught out in biology class because I wasn't able to answer a question - I had done the wrong thing for homework and so I tried making up the answer on the spot but it didn't work out! Fortunately I have an understanding biology teacher!
We got our marks back for our English monologue assessment today) the one I dressed up as a roadworker for). I only got merit :S Prior to the performance I had asked the English teacher if it was OK that I didn't move around too much in my monologue since I was a roadworker who had to control traffic, and so obviously I'd have to stand beside my imaginary road and keep an eye on traffic. Despite missing a few lines in my monologue, it wasn't the reason I got merit - it was because I didn't move around enough and make more of my voice or something like that! Say one thing and change your mind later...They encourage us not to go over-the-top and I agree as when you're acting you're trying to act as if what is going on is real, but these English teachers most probably wanted us to exaggerate everything in order to get excellence which I don't quite understand. . Thank goodness I won't have to be subject to this subjectedness next year! If the Calum Curse has come back to haunt me it's a pretty bad time to!

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