Saturday 30 July 2005

Looking Back

Only one week into term 3 and already it's exhausting! Overall nothing new has happened, nor has anything changed about school in the new term. Everything is pretty much the same. Unfortunately there isn't much to look forward to this term! Debating, chess and squash have all finished and the ball is all over. No more trying to find partners for my friends (especially you Joon!) I suppose the exams will make this term go by faster...

It's interesting to see how these days we (OK maybe not me but many people our age) are all getting into meaningful and lasting relationships and are all settling down. Not to generalise, but some of my friends (mainly females) who are in relationships don't really talk as much as they did when they were single! With one of my friends it's as if she's been happily married for several decades! You ask her how her day was and all she talks about is her boyfriend and how they kissed and how he smashed some special needs guy for drooling all over her, and how they've been together for so long now and how next week will be another milestone in their relationship and how they will be celebrating by buying each other gifts and how she dreamt of marrying her boyfriend and how they're going to have exactly three girls and how she's going to name them...yet they still manage to say all this in less than several sentences!

I remember back then when everyone used to go on about how they couldn't get this guy or this girl and it used to be 'crushes' people had. I guess we're all just growing up and no longer third form!

After meeting Karl, an old primary school mate, at the ball, it got me thinking of trying to get all of us old friends from primary school together for some reunion maybe at the end of this year which would be really cool. I haven't seen some of those guys from primary and intermediate school in more than five years! I've still got some really babyish photos of some of us which bring back good memories. I might post one or two sometime...

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Friday 29 July 2005

Teacher Interviews!

I had parent-teacher interviews last night. Because our parents had to see both Aonghas' and my teachers, we spent a total of two hours at school!

Generally comments from my teachers were OK, not too great. Some suggested I ditch the BOT because it ain't worth it. I'll have to think about that... My chemistry teacher was probably the most critical of me though! I suppose she only wants me to work harder!


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Wednesday 27 July 2005

Calum Comments - Wednesday 27 July

Great news for you guys out there:

Shortage of men in Australia and New Zealand!

Maybe that might just be enough to halt the brain drain in New Zealand - a more realistic chance of finding the right girl!

New research shows that

'people who sing while driving tend to concentrate more and fall asleep less than their silent counterparts'

Apparently music is more effective than silence, conversation or talkback radio in achieving an 'optimal state of alertness'.

So whenever you drivers out there feel a bit weary on the road, start singing!

Here is an unusual online petition I found on the net:

A Call for Ninja Assassins as an Alternative to War Petition:

To:  Bush Administration, U.N.

We, the undersigned, request that as an alternative to war on Iraq, a team of elite ninja assassins be employed to take out Saddam Hussein. We feel that this method would result in significantly less American casualties, less innocent Iraqi civilians being slaughtered, less damage to the infrastructure of Iraq, and would preserve much of the oil that would otherwise be ignited by bombings. Also, we believe that ninja assassins are really, really cool.


The Undersigned

Even though this petition is a little dated, 582 names have been received so far!

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Monday 25 July 2005

Home Straight

Well Term 3 has started, which means eight weeks till exams, and another term to go before the big externals!

School wasn't too bad today. I didn't come late to school for a start, which was great! I didn't fall asleep either in any class, which is another plus! I'm wondering whether it's best for me to find my watch though. Sometimes during not so interesting classes I stare at my watch counting down to the bell. Maybe it'd be better for me not to have a watch so I pay attention on the classwork?

I was to attend a special BOT meeting regarding a proposal being written up on new buildings for the school, but it was postponed because some report on our school hasn't been released yet. So I might just catch up on some sleep tonight...

We're going to study the film/Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing for English. So far it is looking pretty interesting! We did this activity where we had to associate words with a sex. This is what our group came up with:

Girls - Seductive, attractive, beauty, jealousy, UNFAITHFUL, MOCKING...(you get the picture!) i wonder why....

Guys - Reputation, obedience, orders...

Roll on the Elections!

The election date has been announced! Bring on the 17th of September!

At the beginning of the year it was looking like it would be a complete Labour walkover, but now National have exposed the fish and chips budget the Labour government dished up this year by hyping up the idea of across the board tax cuts. Now they're in the lead in most major political polls.

For those who do not follow politics much (this will probably bore you more):

Even though National may be in the lead, this will not mean that National will form the next government. Winston Peters could be the major decision-maker, with NZ First on a run in the polls. Whoever he decides to go into coalition with may form the next coalition.

However Labour have more options as to whom they form a coalition with. The Maori Party, United Future, the Greens and NZ First all are possible coalition partners, whereas for National they really only have NZ First or United Future to turn to, with ACT not likely to make it back in after this election.

All the possible scenarios and tactics political parties must use in order to gain favour from the voting public make this election an interesting and edge-of-your-seat one! Too bad we're still too young to vote! If you could, who would you vote for and why?

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Sunday 24 July 2005

Tax Cuts...At the Expense of What?

Everyone probably thinks National's tax cuts are great and all, but how are they planning to fund it? At the moment only Don Brash and John Key know the details for fear of word getting out if everyone in the party knew. We have to wait till Prime Minister Clark releases the election date, according to Brash.

According to Finance Minister Michael Cullen, the total cost of tax cuts are approximately and please do not quote me on this $7 billion, which is somewhere where our surplus stands. Is this really enough to afford tax cuts, and is it really wise to spend it all?

The National party believes that by cutting bureaucratic fat and unnecessary expenses, enough money will be saved to fund these tax cuts. It is obvious this won't be enough. I don't have figures to prove this yet but if anyone is willing to argue this point I'll research them.

Spending and public services won't be cut, National say, but how unsurprised I was to read in the NZ Herald this morning of how National plan to limit subsidies on doctors visits. Under the current Labour government's plans, doctors' visits which cost an average of $50 will be subsidised to $25, while prescriptions at an average cost of $15 will be subsidised to $3. You may very well see a return to full costs if National return to power.

Anyone out there who is willing to justify the feasibility of cutting taxes without cutting public services and subsidies (especially you Hyun!) please do so.

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Now a Learner...or Soon Anyway!

After a year and a half of procrastinating...I sat my learner's license test yesterday (Saturday) morning at AA! Things didn't get off to a great start. I only brought my birth certificate which proved my identity, but I also needed something to prove my residence as well! That meant I had to go all the way back home to get a bank statement to show them.

After that they carried out the eye test on me. I had to look into this machine and read letters. Now apparently there were supposed to be three columns of four letters, but I was adament I could only see two! The lady at the counter kept telling me to try look again, but I couldn't see the third column! Anyway we decided to postpone it till after I completed the test (if I passed!).

I was asked to sign my signature on some digital thing so it could go on my ID card. The first one was really bad so I had to redo it.

I think the only thing that went well or without a glitch was taking my photo! Then again...I haven't seen it so I could look like an ape when I do get it!

In the end I passed the test getting only one wrong (this yellow sign with a train on it-I thought it meant train station but it actually means railway crossing ahead!), but failed the eyesight test. This means I've got to go to the optomitrist sometime to get my eyes checked before I get my learners. I'll just have to wait a little longer... 


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Friday 22 July 2005

New Number

For all of you who have my phone number (or just want to text me..yay free weekend texting!!)I've got a new number which is a lot easier to remember than the last: 021 102 3000

I won't be using my old one (021 413 122) anymore.


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A Day Out

Yum Cha was pretty good - nice food as usual! I didn't give the restaurant as much credit as I should've in the last's actually D-graded. Our family sat at a table right next to the toilets. So while we waited for the lady with the food to come round, there was not much to do but stare at the toilets and see who went in. I did see a man take his little daughter into the mens toilets. Hopefully she didn't see anything that's a few years ahead of her! When I went in, some man washing his hands at the basin poured Jif on his hands..I hope soap was in there and not window cleaner.

After we drove all the way to Bunnings Warehouse to buy some equipment that'll help us tile our bathroom walls. Along the main streets of Onehunga were three buskers - one playing the guitar. one lying on the ground, and one banging a box...not too sure who made the most money!

Going to hardware and DIY stores is like going to see what you can't have! We were wandering around the huge store, looking at all the fancy lights, kitchens and bathrooms, imagining what it'd look like in our house.

Our house is a dump (yep that's why the very few of you who have gotten a chance to come inside probably have noticed all the closed doors!), but we're doing our best to make it a comfortable dump!

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End of

Last few days of the holidays :S..still have part of my physics assignment to complete, chemistry, two English essays, a Chinese speech, episode 1 of Rutherford Idol, the senior quiz for International Language Week and the learners license to do before it ends!

Tomorrow I'm probably going to Yum Cha in South Auckland. The one we regularly go to is E-graded in hygeine but they still serve good and cheap food (just ignore those rats that scurry past!)

We're thinking bout completing our hallway. We stripped it of wallpaper last holidays but didn't get round to doing anything else, so we might paint it these holidays. We're also thinking of painting our bathroom too or covering parts of the wall with tiles because the paint is peeling off it. Yeah our house is pretty much run down!

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Wednesday 20 July 2005

No Show

I was invited to go to the movies with some friends this morning (Wednesday) but when I asked my mum she told me I wasn't allowed! (I'm still in the process of determining what the reasons are)

My history of going to the movies is extremely short. The very first movie I ever saw was (embarrassingly but appropriately titled!) Pokemon - The First Movie. I've seen a few since then, including Lord of the Rings, Looney Tunes (second time I met Diane in three years!), Matrix Reloaded (with Evan, Joanne, Toni, Ryan Lindsey and Matthew) and the most recent was National Treasure with the twins on the last day of last year, but the first movie I'd seen in that year!

At least that's a better record than my dad...the most recent movie he has been to see is Ghandi, and that screened in cinemas in 1982!

Anyway those of you who are going to the movies today (which includes a reunion of two!), have fun, hope it improves things, and let me know how everything turns out! (oh yeah!...and the movie! ;))


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Calum Comments - Tuesday 19 July

Because my last rambling went on and on...and on..., this one won't be as long.

The Greens want people caught with cannabis to be given an instant $200 fine instead of being prosecuted. What next? Complete legalisation as they have been openly pushing for? Thanks Mr Tanczos (drug-smoking politician) but no thanks. As I mentioned in an earlier post about alcohol, just because people are doing it is no reason to make something legal and acceptable. Just because some people are growing and smoking their own cannabis does not make it right. Once again this is where a minority is pushing for a change that affects and goes against the majority's wishes. It is widely known that cannabis is a danger to health, so why go soft on this issue?

In other pre-election talk United Future are pushing for 'brat camps' run by the army in co-ordination with other state agencies, where troubled teens who would most likely end up in prison are sent to, undergo tough routines and are hopefully reformed.

Labour are dismissing the value of this concept, claiming it to be a tried and failed idea, as when these 'camp's were run till 1992, there was a (approx.) 95% reoffending rate.

Today we are seeing an increased number of young people causing trouble. Adults are running out of ways to control delinquent youngsters, thanks to childrens' rights, and other PC laws being introduced, including the smaking law. No longer will parents be able to smack their naughty child. Their child will rightfully be able to sue their parents for assault. Even the slightest touch could be considered as assault. We are seeing this sort of political correctness gone mad in primary schools where the number of male primary school teachers is decreasing because they are too scared to be anywhere near little kids for fear of being considered a paedophile.

Yes some parents can go over the top and abuse their children, but that can surely be distinguished from a small little smack a parent gives to a naughtly child. Banning smacking on children outright is a step in the wrong direction.

We cannot and should not give in to all demands of children, nor should we pamper them with all these special laws giving them godly status. Putting children on par with adults is enough to let them take over, as some are right now.

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Sunday 17 July 2005

Shen working at Pak N' Save


I'm back after a teeny weeny bit of an absence and I 100% GUARANTEE everyone that I haven't been avoiding anyone at all (I wouldn't do such a thing ;) ) I've just been dragged around the place shopping for this and that.

These holidays my mum has been pushing me to get my learners license but I never get round to doing it, so I'm determined to sit the test THIS week after a year and a half of procrastination! Whether or not I pass or fail and waste the $80 or whatever it costs, I've got to do it sometime soon before Aonghas gets it before me!

I caught up with Shen while shopping at Pak N' Save. There should be a photo of him in his uniform (hope he doesn't mind me putting it up!) It would've been funny if he came to the ball in his Pak N' Save tie!

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Thursday 14 July 2005

Survivor - Fish Tank

Five Anderson fish Remain

Who can the fish trust?

Will there be romance in the fishtank?

Who will be the ultimate...SURVIVOR?

Wednesday 13 July 2005

RIP Chen


We bid farewell to the 6th Anderson goldfish to leave our family. We found it unconscious last night, and it has now been buried alongside other notable Anderson pets such as the late Tweety, Szelin, Diane, Greg, Sarah and Dlog. The fat Zippo fish, Joon and three other unnamed goldfish are still alive. Remember if you want one named after you get in quick! Numbers are limited and dwindling!

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Zippo came over in the weekend to have a look through the ball photos. She came across a rather odd one and signed into my account and sent it to one of our friends, telling this girl I was giving the girl a hickey! (not true! I only gave the girl a hug...all I'm capable of doing) She was pretending to be me when she was chatting to this girl, so the next thing you know is Zippo received a text message from this girl saying

"This is really important! Don't tell Calum but he gave a girl a hickey!"

Zippo then said something to this girl in Malay, which she told me meant

"Nice to meet you"

Next thing you know she was filling the screen with

"WTH?!!!" (what the hell)


Yeah I figured out what it really meant after that (I like you). I told her afterwards it was Zippo. Besides that though, what a good way to find out what people really think of you! lol

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Monday 11 July 2005

Bigger than Ben Hur!

I just came back from the Rutherford College BOT meeting and let's just say the future of Rutherford College looks very bright!

I can't say much just yet but I can tell you it has something to do with nearly ALL of Rutherford College's buildings, and is much more substantial than the current 5-year building plan.

More details to come soon when things have been confirmed!

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Sunday 10 July 2005

The Night Worth Waiting For

Well the ball definitely was fun! Food, music, dancing...

The twins picked me up from my house, then went to Kat's to pick her and Ayesha up. After that we went to some Korean photography studio for the twins to meet Hyun's partner Sonny (please forgive me if that is spelt wrong!) and to get their photos taken. After that was all done, we walked a few metres to the Crowne Plaza Hotel where the ball was to be held.

It was the first time I met Ayesha. She was pretty cool to talk to, and I hope she had a great time and didn't get bored! She taught me how to stick my fingers in fire, and had a food eating contest!

The theme was Oscars/Fantasy, so it was appropriately decorated with huge golden Oscar statuettes around the place. There was a small dance floor with tables around the ballroom.

The food was great, with rice, noodles, potatoes, and other stuff on offer. Dessert was great too with cheesecake, mousse, ice-cream, fruit salad... While I was eating my dessert, some people came over and dragged me to the dance floor (not a good idea especially when straight after eating!). When I came back, my bowl of dessert was gone!

It was good to meet Kat again after five years I think. Last time I saw her was at Rangeview. She and Joon turned out to be a really good couple! You should also see Kat on the dance floor!

In fact I haven't seen quite a few people move like they did last night! We've got some really groovy people at our school!

Another long lost friend I met at the ball was Karl, whom I hadn't seen since Rangeview as well! I've known him since primary school! He came to our ball because his neighbour who goes to our school invited him. So that was pretty cool! Meeting too long-time friends!

During the night, one of the pillars at the entrance to the ballroom fell over and down the staircase! (Check out more photos at link down below)

To cap the night off, most people did the slow dance with their partners, including me and Ayesha. I think I kept moving or swaying too fast!

The hotel we stayed at was the same one the All Blacks had been staying at earlier in the day. Unfortunately we didn't get to meet or see any, but we did meet some very interesting Barmy Army supporters afterwards!

>>Rutherford College Ball Photos available here

(Please let me know if you want a better quality picture than those put on the website!)

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The Whole Gang

All of us together (from left) me, Ayesha, Sarena, Kat, Joon (with gland in hand), Hyun, Amy, Shen and Alex


I was posing for this photograph as a joke, pretending to drink out of the jug of cola, when people started to gather round, shouting out

"Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!"

The Three Couples

Hyun with his partner Sunny (I think I might've spelt that name wrong), me with my partner Ayesha and Joon with his partner Kat

Out of the Closet

Two males finally came out of the closet last night at the ball. For fear of their personal safety, faces have been slightly modified.

(NB. They're not really gay if you do know who they really are!)

Friday 8 July 2005


Everything is sorted out for me now...I think...The twins have kindly offered to pick me up to the ball, along with their partners and Ayesha, my partner (I think!), and I've just got to sort out transport back home, hopefully with Shen.

I found one of my dad's suits that fits me. It's navy blue (you guys who were in 9MO back in third form might remember me wearing it for our little English monologue where I acted as this mafia guy!) and my tie has got all these weird squiggley lines all over it.

Today after school (finished midday) my mum took me out tie shopping because she thinks all of my dad's ties are old-fashioned and don't match the suit's colour. There was one tie we have that I would've liked to wear tomorrow - Mickey Mouse! It's old and the stitching is starting to come apart though. So we spent the afternoon just having a look around cheap op shops for an interesting looking tie. We found one with a killer whale on it, one with Goofy, one with houses, dancers, ducks, horses and squiggly lines. We bought a few of those (just in case they come in handy later on! I like ties with little pictures on them!) and afterwards I tried them on in front of my mum and Aonghas. They decided afterwards that the squiggly tie works better!

In the end total price spent on clothes for the ball: 0.50c (tie)


As I was trying on my dad's suits for the ball tonight, breaking news appeared on TV ONE, showing the simultaneous explosions that occurred in London.

It really hits you how you could be travelling in a public bus possibly to the city on any given day, and then suddenly without warning a bomb blows up and that's it. So far it hasn't happened in NZ, but let's hope it doesn't.

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Thursday 7 July 2005

Rush Rush Rush!

The ball is only about a day away. I still haven't sorted out what I'm going to wear (I will wear definitely wear clothes though!) and worst of all, I haven't sorted out transport to get there! My mum can't drive outside Henderson, and my dad will be working on the night of the ball, so if I can't convince my mum to take me, then I might have to resort to public transport! That would be interesting though!

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Wednesday 6 July 2005

Notice of the Day

Some interesting notices I found in the Daily Notices at school today:

School Magazine

Our school magazine is looking very sad at the moment!

Ants in the Staffroom

Ants are raging in the staffroom! PLEASE DON'T FEED THEM!!!


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Tuesday 5 July 2005

Oh So Close!

Apparently I was in a good position in my chess game today! (I wouldn't have a clue...all I know was that at one point I had captured more pieces than my opponent!) I was expecting to lose within half an hour (since the last game lasted for less than 3 minutes), but surprisingly, I think I lasted the longest I ever have in chess this year with the game going for about an hour and half! UNsurprisingly I lost, and yet again so did everyone in our team.

Luckily the junior team who travelled all the way to Mt Roskill Grammar School (MRSG) to play chess arrived to find out they had won their games by default! It would've been cool going to MRGS to meet a few of you guys! According to Aonghas MRGS is really flash! It even has automatically opening doors!  

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Business Champs!

Those of you who may not have read or have access to the Western Leader today may be interested to read this! Congrats to you guys for winning!

Let it Be Known!

I've run into a bit of flak for making strong stances for and against certain issues on this blog and taking things too seriously. Unfortunately, I like to debate, and so anyone with opposing views can feel free to argue their point (Thanks Ayesha!) and even have a bit of fun at the same time (possibly!)!

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Monday 4 July 2005

One more week to go!

And not only till the ball...till school finishes!!!

Winter is horrible! It is so cold out there but so warm in bed. That's why I can never wake up in time! I got my second late detention this year for coming late to school today. I woke up at 7.45am, had a shower and ate breakfast and left for school at 8.32am. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to make it to school by 8.40am, especially when you're stuck behind a car doing 20km/h on the road!

After school today us guys thought we had a squash game on but turned up only to find girls competing. We were later informed that our squash game was actually last Friday when we had chess at Long Bay College. The teacher told us that he had the clash sorted out, and so we went to play chess. I found out today that our team had to default in the end because they were two players short (Aonghas and me)! Oh by the way, I lost in chess, in under 3 minutes in 3 moves! Hopefully there's some award for that achievement because I definitely won't win the award for most wins this season!

Go Sarena! She wasted Glenfield 69-21 (some score so big it went off the score card!)

Congratulations too to Hyun who has found a partner to go with to the ball! At the moment he won't tell anyone what her name is, but let's just call her Korean girl for the meanwhile!

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Calum Comments Monday 4 July 2005 - Boo for Booze!

With the ball coming up, there will always be the usual after-ball parties obviously after the ball. What usually features as a big part of after-ball parties is alcohol. Now this is something I stand strongly against. I have therefore generously typed up this extra long post on the main reasons why I�m against alcohol and am open to discussion and debate with those who disagree with me (I�m sure many of you, especially you younger ones will be!)


While we have many completely fine and good-tasting non-alcoholic drinks out there such as juice, milk and water, I really do not see the need for alcoholic drinks, especially when it has adverse effects on the health and mentality of people. Why is something that is just as/if not more dangerous than already banned substances still legal to consume?


The facts are:

Short term effects

         Alcohol is a powerful drug and it affects the body and brain straight away. About five minutes after starting drinking, alcohol has reached every part of the body.

         Alcohol dries out (dehydrates) the body and lowers blood sugar levels.

         Alcohol dulls the brain. Although this may feel stimulating at first, it feels worse later on because alcohol is a 'downer' (or depressant) drug.

         Alcohol affects judgment. Research shows that the more convinced drinkers are that they can perform tasks well when drunk, the worse they really do.

         In large doses alcohol causes loss of coordination and slowing of movement, and can even lead to coma and death.

         Mixing alcohol with other drugs is extremely dangerous. This includes prescription and 'over-the-counter' (OTC) drugs such as sleeping pills, cough medicines or antihistamines, as well as illicit drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine or heroin.

Long term effects

Too much drinking can cause:

  • stomach disorders like ulcers and gastritis
  • cancer of the mouth, throat and gullet
  • liver cirrhosis
  • brain damage
  • sexual difficulties
  • high blood pressure
  • problems with the nervous system like pain in the legs and arms.

For men, regular heavy drinking will:

  • shrink your genitals
  • lower your sperm count
  • make you lose body hair.

For women, regular heavy drinking will:

  • damage an unborn child
  • increase your risk of breast cancer
  • make you less fertile
  • make your periods irregular.

Now I hope that scares some of you, especially those of you guys who are conscious of your down-below bits!

Alcohol is undoubtedly a drug, and unfortunately a legal one. As a result of some of those effects, alcohol features a lot in death statistics.

  • In 1997 alcohol was a contributing factor in 27.1 percent of fatal road traffic crashes and 17.4 percent of casualties involving motor vehicle-related injuries in NZ
  • In the US alcohol kills over 100,000 people a year and among drugs, is second only to tobacco as a cause of premature deaths in the US and is the third leading actual cause of death overall.

Alcohol-related illnesses do not occur only in heavy drinkers. Even those who have had �one too many� once or twice can succumb to illnesses. People who also consistently consume alcohol �in moderation� are still at risk.

Also according to the World Health Organisation: anyone who drinks today is potentially tomorrow�s heavy drinker.  If you have "a genetic tendency toward alcoholism," then the chances of becoming a heavy drinker are increased. Despite this though, people without any apparent family history of alcohol problems can become alcoholics.


Most people also use the French as an example of why alcohol benefits our health; that because the French drink so much, they live longer. The alcohol use trends for 24 nations in Europe and North America were compared, it was found that on average, from 1950 to 1985, western nations nearly doubled their per capita alcohol consumption. The median percentage increase was between 70 and 82 percent. Although nearly every country increased their alcohol consumption, there was one country which bucked the trend. France. In that 35-year period the average French citizen decreased his or her use of alcohol by 23 percent.

"The decline in alcohol consumption in France was almost certainly in part due to national measures to reduce consumption because of concern about the health-related outcomes associated with the highest national per capita consumption."


 While France worked on decreasing their alcohol consumption, Americans continued to believe the whole �French alcohol is good for you� myth and continued to increase their consumption. The reason behind good health in French people can be linked with their dietary intake, rather than their alcohol consumption.


Unfortunately we have all these young na�ve teenage drinkers and boozers who think alcohol is safe and so they consume it in high amounts. Just wait a few years down the track when they become a burden on the health system with their liver diseases and other alcohol-related illnesses.

Rather than put ourselves at risk by consuming such a dangerous drug, it is far better not to touch the stuff in the first place. It is not hard to resist, and there are many more healthy and non-alcoholic alternatives.


Right now we should push for the drinking age to return to 21 as the first step. Yes so they say education is necessary to change our drinking culture, but we can�t just sit there and expect that to solve all problems.


Secondly, the Sale of Liquor Act must be amended. Unfortunately it gives parents and legal guardians the right to supply their underage kids with alcohol. I�ve heard that students must get their parents to sign a note stating that they take responsibility of their children in order to attend after-ball parties. How will parents/legal guardians take responsibility of their kids when they are not present? Even when they are, what if they are also under the influence of alcohol? Too many parents are being irresponsible and are letting their underage kids drink and get drunk, which I�m sure was not what the Act set out to achieve.


Prohibiting alcohol outright is also a possibility. Many will look back to when it was prohibited in America many many years ago and claim it to be a huge failure. However, according to a textbook on this issue edited by Drs. Last and Wallace:


"The commonly held view of Prohibition in the United States is that it was a failure, but there are major limitations to this view, since during Prohibition, health and social problems associated with alcohol use certainly were reduced dramatically."


I haven�t covered most arguments for alcohol consumption, but I�ve put the issue out there for debate and discussion (must be the longest ever post I�ve typed!). Feel free to comment and agree/disagree!


(References: Statistics NZ, Health Scotland, eCureMeLife)


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RIP Greg - Yet another one bites the dust

Rest In Peace Greg

(not my cousin, but our goldfish named after him)

We found him/her floating upside down in the water. At first we were hoping it was sleeping, but when it doesn't move for more than five minutes, you know something isn't right! Please pray for our six remaining fish!

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