Friday 6 August 2010

When You Keep Getting Knocked Down

I've been being a bit more proactive in looking for an intern position in the past couple days, having emailed four pharmacies my cover letter and CV, and going in to one pharmacy to drop a copy of them off.

I spent the whole afternoon ringing pharmacies around West Auckland however, and out of around 20 pharmacies that I contacted, a few were engaged, while the rest of them said they weren't taking on interns next year! In one phone call to a pharmacy I was in the middle of my question when the pharmacist answered

"No we're not taking interns next year but all the best bye!"

before I could even finish!

It has taken the number of community and hospital pharmacies that I've approached/applied at to around 30 now, and I'm still unsuccessful! It gets quite depressing thinking about it, getting all these rejections. It sorta makes you feel like you're not wanted or that you're not good enough.

Sometimes I think maybe I just won't bother doing an internship next year and it would be so much easier, but I keep telling myself that this is something I need to do and just have to keep trying.


I was also leading worship (singing) at my youth group tonight. I'm in charge of sorting out who will lead each week, and well...I forgot to tell anyone to do it this week so Aonghas and I just did it ourselves.

I was up in front singing loudly, trying to encourage everyone else to sing, but I could clearly see that very few people were singing! I understand that they are in their younger/teenage years and that they're very self-consciousness and don't want to embarrass themselves, but it is very depressing when they just sit there looking on not even trying, while you've put so much effort into preparing everything for them.

Sometimes I feel like it's all a waste of time and wonder why I bother, but I always try to remind myself just why we do it.

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