Saturday 28 August 2010

Spreading the UoA Word!

This morning I had to wake up extremely early to get to uni at 7am as it was the Courses and Careers Day (sort of like a uni open day) and I was helping out as a student ambassador. I had originally planned to catch a 5.50am bus as it was the only one that would get me into town on time, but I missed it so my dad had to drive me into the city. I managed to get into the city by 6.20am though, which was extremely early! It was raining quite a bit though so I just slept in the car for a while before going in.

I was the first to get to the meeting area, and eventually people started arriving. We soon found out that we had to meet up in the Clock Tower though.

We were all briefed on what we had to do, and were given our blue Student Ambassador t-shirts. We were also provided breakfast which consisted of muffins, fruit, muesli bars and juice.

By 9am, we had to carry our equipment out and set up our stalls. Once again I was stationed outside the Clock Tower which wasn't exactly the most exciting stall to be at since most of the activity would be happening around the Quad and the Business School! I saw Grace, her brother Sam and their friends just as I came out though.

Right at the beginning though when all the buses arrived with school students from in and out of Auckland, we had heaps of people to take on tour. I'm sure I had about 30 people in my group! As I took them around the uni, I tried to get to know them a bit better by asking questions such as 

"So where are you guys from?"
"Do any of you have any idea what you want to study next year?"
"Do any of you have any questions?"

No one would say anything though! I just had to carry on with the tour. I lost quite a few people...actually almost everyone along the way and ended up with maybe only four people left in the tour group!

I had to look after the stall and go inside the Clock Tower to make sure people there were OK before I had to take my next tour. I had a smaller group, but one mum did ask me a lot of questions which was quite good!. I like answering questions!

After I got back, I had a chance to take my half hour lunch break. We got supplied lunch which consisted of sandwiches and chips. I then went over to the Business School to check out the Medicine and Pharmacy School stands, while meeting Cleo and Sam along the way.

I was originally going to pretend to be a prospective student, but the pharmacy students seemed to know me! I was then going to try the Medicine stand, but it was my friend Chen who was there! It was cool seeing a lot of friends helping out. I also saw my friend Ji Eun helping out at the Audiology stand!

I had to go back to the Clock Tower after lunch and was asked to look after one of the lecture theatres downstairs to make sure aisles weren't blocked, they weren't over capacity and to do a head count.

I got there just in time for the last lecture on archeology, something to do with ancient Egypt. I didn't think it would be that popular, but after the previous philosophy lecture finished early, people started filing in till the lecture theatre was completely filled 10 minutes before the lecture was due to commence! I had to tell the lecturer that I'd have to stop people coming in, and stood at the door turning people away.

There were at least 30-40 people waiting outside wanting to come in, and even after I told them they couldn't they just continued to hang around! One lady was quite disgruntled! I felt like a bouncer!

The Courses and Careers Day was almost over, and all the students who had come in on buses (especially those from out of Auckland) had to make their way back to their buses. Princes St had been completely closed and lined up with buses.

I decided to wait outside the West Auckland bus to help students on. Buses started to leave though, and there was one student who came running down to the West Auckland bus I was by only to find out he was supposed to catch the West Auckland bus at the other end of the road! I think he ended up missing his bus. I think a few students from Tauranga missed their bus as well!

Before I could go home, a few of us guys had to help fold and put some tables into storage over in the Architecture building.

It was such a tiring day but it was still quite fun!

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