Saturday 14 August 2010

Back to Reality

Well I've just completed watching all 30 episodes of It Started with a Kiss, the first Asian drama series I've watched in its entirety!

I won't spoil it for others who want to watch it but it was pretty cool! I came home from the Rutherford College X-Factor talent show last night and tried to watch the remaining three episodes but Aonghas was uploading some videos from the talent show, so the internet was a little slow and I gave up half-way through the last episode. I watched the remaining part of the episode when I came home from teaching today though.

I can't believe I've spent almost 30 hours this semester watching drama! Just imagine what I could have done in that time! Then again I enjoyed the drama so that's all that matters!

There's a sequel to the drama called 'They Kiss Again', but I don't think I'll be watching that till after the semester is over or else I might not pass!


  1. what? I watched that drama like...4 years ago!

  2. You've watched it too?! Yay!! Now I have someone else to talk to about the drama! We'll discuss it tomorrow ;)
