Sunday 22 August 2010

Farewelling our Yale Friend

For the past two months we've had Jonathan, a Yale University student come to our church, and our youth group and Sunday School while in NZ on an internship at the University of Auckland. He entertained and informed a lot of us with his intelligent insights into all sorts of things.

Last Friday night however was his last night at youth group, and so after we talked about reading the Bible as part of our special topic night, we let Jonathan have the last word, and he thanked us all for the time he had while with us for the past two months.

Earlier in the day my mum and I had gone out to look for a farewell present to buy him on behalf of our youth group. We know that he's into dragons, so we thought we'd try give him something that would remind him of NZ and have something to do with dragons - Taniwha! (they're sort of a dragon...right?) We couldn't find any taniwha souvenirs though, so we got this Maori wood carving (it's not real wood though, just resin which means he shouldn't have any trouble bringing it back to America!), which he seemed to appreciate!

Jonathan with his Maori wood carving! (Thanks to Tim for the photo)
At the end of youth group we got quite a few group photos with him before taking individual photos with him (he's incredibly intelligent! Who knows, he might become famous one day!

Jonathan with the Oddfellows Youth Group (Thanks to Tim for the photo)
Awwww me with Jonathan! (Thanks to Tim for the photo)
We also got a chance to say farewell to him in Sunday School today as well.
Jonathan with our Sunday School class

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