Tuesday 3 August 2010

Am I Dreaming?

Today the uni students in my youth group and I finally managed to find a time to hang out together for lunch at uni. The night before, Angie and I were sorting it out, and originally thought about all going to watch Inception, but we couldn't find a time we could all go together. We ended up agreeing to just hang out together for lunch.

I had two lectures in the morning, one was actually quite interesting in which an accountant who specialises in pharmacies talked to us about owning our own pharmacy! I think I might buy a pharmacy one day!

Once the lectures were over though, I walked over to the city through the terrible weather. When I got to the city campus, I discovered it was Jesus Week! One of the Christian groups was offering free Milo, which was nice for the wet and cold weather we were in! I met Elena, an old intermediate school friend who was helping out!

I went over to the Quad where there were some music performances, people trying to get my vote for some student elections (bribing me with free badges!) and a free sausage sizzle being held by another one of the Christian groups, along. The catch was you had to answer three questions! I think they were more targeted at non-believers, like

'If Jesus came to New Zealand, where would you take him?'

I did answer all the questions but I didn't have time to line up for the sausage, as I was to meet up with the others outside the uni library at 12.30! Jenny, Aonghas and Claire were already there, so once I joined them we went over to the Quad to have lunch.

Angie showed up at 1pm and Aonghas had to leave for his class. In the middle of our conversation, this random Asian guy came over, sat at our table and started talking to Angie! She and the other girls were a bit weirded out and looked at me, wondering if I knew who he was! They ended up just carrying on with the conversation without him, and I felt a little bad about it. I sort of wanted to try talk to him a little at least. What if I was him, and everyone just ignored him? He soon left though.

That's when we started discussing when we should all go see Inception! We couldn't watch it on any other day in the week since others wouldn't be free, so we thought about watching it later tonight. Jenny went ahead and rang her mum who gave her permission, and offered to take her and the girls home afterwards. Getting transport home for my brothers and I would be a problem though, since it'd be late and it'd be a long wait to catch the next bus home for us. We had to part ways before it was confirmed as to whether we'd be watching Inception that night. That meant it was up to me to sort it all out!

I rang home and only my dad was home, so he agreed to let us go...phew! I then tried texting my brothers, and after a while they replied saying they had tests and assignments due the next day, so they wouldn't be coming. It looked like it'd just be me and the girls then! When I booked the tickets for the movie at 3pm, the cinema was almost sold out except for the first two rows. The best I could do were the seats in the middle of the second row.

I just read my law book for a while before jumping on a computer to watch part of my Taiwanese drama, before I realised it was almost 6pm and I had to be down at the cinemas to get the tickets! When I got there, the foyer was busy and something was going wrong with one of the ticket kiosks. After a while of waiting, I got the tickets and met up with Jenny and Claire and eventually Angie who somehow made it from her class in five minutes!

As we were sitting there eating our leftover lunch, I spotted my Dessert Club friends who were going to see Inception at the same time as us! That was pretty cool!

We then decided to go in to the theatre. By then the whole theatre was sold out! This was the first time I'd ever been in a full theatre!

Now I won't tell you what Inception is all about. All I'll say is that it is definitely worth it, and that you've got to pay attention during the whole movie! The ending was also quite good too. I enjoyed the audience's gasp right at the end!

As I was getting up, someone further back in the theatre called out my name, and I spotted a whole row of 3rd year pharmacy students! Wow, everyone was seeing Inception tonight!

When we got out of the cinema and waited for Jenny's dad to pick us up, everything just felt weird! We couldn't stop discussing the movie!

It was a good day and a good movie! My brothers will check it out in a couple of days so I can discuss it with them then, and hopefully these get-togethers will become a regular thing!

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