Tuesday 3 March 2009

Helping Out with Orientation

I spent my mum's birthday in the city helping out with the Dessert Club stall at Pre-Orientation Week on Thursday. Now before you say what a sad guy, I did promise her I'd come home as soon as we finished at 3pm!

We set up stall slightly later than scheduled since I accidentally slept in! Fortunately though we got quite a bit of interest and people signing up at our club! We didn't have membership cards ready at the time though so we could only take down their details and contact them later.

A few of my friends were at the nearby Kiwi Asian Club, texting me telling me that they could see me sitting at our stall, and that started our little (healthy!) competition! It wasn't much of a competition but we used them as motivation to get more sign ups ;) 

Ben, one of my high school friends who is starting uni this year came along during the day and hung out with us too and so he signed up and helped be the 'bouncer' for our stall, although there wasn't much bouncing to do! We did go on a few adventures though, such as going down to The Warehouse to buy more lollies to give away to prospective members, and looking for the free candy floss people all over the place seemed to be eating. (It turns out one of the Christian clubs had a candy floss machine!)

On that matter, it was really nice of the nearby Christian club who came along to help us set up our gazebo at the start of the day, as it was the first time I'd ever put one up!

The nearby ASB stand was pretty cool too. They had a spinning wheel, which gave you the opportunity to win a can of baked beans, a roll of toilet paper or a high-five! I didn't bring any lunch with me so I went over to them and asked if I could spin the wheel as I was hoping to win the baked beans for my lunch. Instead, the guy asked me if I had an ASB account and when I said I did, he just gave me a can straight away!

We managed to get about 100 names down and by the end of the day the membership cards arrived, so now we'll have to start contacting all those people to pay up!


Later that day when I got home our whole family went over to Sylvia Park to wander around, just as something to do on our mum's birthday but also to pick up this 'Physical Pharmacy' textbook we bought off Trademe for ... wait for it...$4!! Thanks Trademe!!!!

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