Thursday 26 February 2009

Stalled Surprise

My mum doesn't read this blog so it's OK to talk about this (we're supposed to keep it a secret from her!) but it's a bit of a milestone birthday for her today. I won't say how old she is, I'll let you decide for yourself! Because it is a special birthday for her numberwise (maybe not special to her personally though!), we should be doing something a little more special for her than what we usually do...which is nothing! She also does so much for the family that it's only right that we do something extra special for her on her birthday! This is where my aunty comes in. She's been talking to us boys to maybe get a surprise birthday party organised for her. We'll probably have it with all our relatives at our aunty's house on Saturday, since their house is larger.

Now the thing is we don't have a birthday present for our mum and with a couple days to go I'm starting to fret a little, but it seems as though I'm the only person who is concerned about this! Earlier in the week my mum mentioned that there were several things she was interested in (I did not ask her this either): gardening, crafts and dolls. I tried getting my dad to get thinking about what we should get our mum for her birthday, and I could see then why he doesn't buy people gifts that often! He initially suggested just giving her money, but when I pressed him to think of something more special and told him that our mum did buy him a laptop for his last birthday, he started thinking he should get her a laptop! He eventually settled on maybe getting her a hydroponics set, but after we went to visit a hydroponics store later in the day and got told by the guy at the shop that we may want to do a bit more research to determine what exactly we want, we've now pretty much shelved that idea!

I'm starting to drift towards getting her a garden ornament, something like a fairy, or one of those ones of a little boy or angel. Regardless, I have to go into the city tomorrow to help out with the Dessert Club stall for a couple hours. I might buy my mum something small or maybe even a bouquet of flowers just to give to her on her birthday so she doesn't think we've completely forgotten!


No more stats! Yay!!! Despite having many distractions during the Summer School semester, with surgery being one of them, I managed to get the best grade I've ever got since being at uni, but then again it's probably because stats is supposed to be the easiest paper anyway! I did apply for Aegrotat which means they take my impaired preparation into consideration and adjust my mark accordingly as they see fit. I don't know if they had to or not, but oh well, if they did it's $25 well spent!

I've finally been able to sort out my timetable which I'll put up somewhere later on, and apply for student allowance. Yay free money!!!

Yesterday though I saw an ad on Student Job Search for a music theory teacher - my dream job!!!! I really wanted to enquire as I've always wanted to teach music theory and get students to sit music theory exams. The only thing was that it would require 4 hours a week, was all the way in Royal Oak and would push my earnings beyond the limit, which means it would cut my student allowance. It got me thinking in the shower though, that even though student allowance is money for no work, maybe it's about time I got used to the real world of work = pay and start doing a bit more work to earn my keep, rather than just rely on the few hours I work in the weekend and student allowance to get by.

My bank account is looking a little empty right now though...

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