Wednesday 18 March 2009

Pie Eating!

The Dessert Club Pie Eating Competition finally got off the ground today after being postponed twice! I was a little nervous about how it would go as we hadn't publicised it as much as we would have liked, but in the end it went pretty well! Because I'm the web guy, I've been the one who has had to contact all the people who have signed up via Facebook whenever we postpone, which doesn't make me look good!

I had classes all morning at Grafton and came back to the city with my pharmacy friend Jamie only after she told me there was a Uni Lost and Found Sale (where the students association sell off unclaimed lost property). I was hoping there'd be some good, cheap textbooks. As usual most of them were commerce books, but I did find one law book on Torts that I bought! I'll save that for the holidays ;) I also bought a pair of lab glasses for $1! My current pair keep sliding of my nose...and I paid $7 for those at The Warehouse! I texted my brothers about the sale earlier, so Aonghas was already there and he had bought a Nike basketball for $2! The oddest thing I saw for sale though would have to be the box of condoms!

I saw the Dessert Club stall in the Quad, where some committee members were hanging out trying to get more sign-ups. I went over to join them. It was getting closer to 1pm, so we had to start getting prepared for the competition in the main Quad where quite a lot of people were already. That posed a problem, as we needed a few of the tables to run the competition off, but we couldn't get anyone off the tables! The girls tried getting me to tell people to get off a couple tables using the microphone! I managed to get out of it and somehow we got two tables!

The competition was supposed to start at 1pm but we ended up starting later because of the late sign-ups. Aonghas had signed up to enter, and to my surprise Lisa, my friend from youth group decided to sign up! I totally didn't see that coming! She also tied her hair back for the competition (which was sensible of course!), which was surprising because I was talking to her at lunch yesterday (somehow we managed to talk for several hours??) about how she never tied her hair back! Anyway a few others I knew came by to check out the competition, despite not entering.

Finally the competition started, and when it got going, it got going! Our competition consisted of three rounds - the first round involved the competitors having to eat a bowl of jelly with lollies in it...without their hands. Once that was completed they had to get a piece of paper that named an object they had to find somewhere in the Quad and then present it to the club committee member. The final round was the actual pie eating! Originally we said no hands, but in the end we just let them eat it as fast as they can!

Boy did they get messy! Because the pies were filled with cream and jelly, people had cream all over their face and some on their clothes! This guy came first and ...Aonghas came second! Yay!!! Lisa didn't come in the top three but yay that she competed and did something a little different!

Claire, another friend from youth group came along to watch and so after the competition, she, Lisa, Aonghas and I walked over to the Engineering building before I had to go off to Grafton to endure another Pharmacotherapy workshop, which went over time and was extremely...EXCITING! :S

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