Wednesday 18 March 2009

Don't Hate Me Lecturer!

I had a pharmacotherapy lecture in the morning. These lectures scare me, because I have to watch out for the lecturer. I don't know if he's particularly fond of me after the very first lecture..

In the first lecture our lecturer asked us to turn to the people next to us and discuss where we see ourselves and our pharmacy careers in 5 years time. I was sitting right up in the front and was talking to the people, saying I might leave pharmacy. I then added maybe I'll go study law or maybe work for Medsafe, sorta like what one of my other lecturers who is a lawyer did.

What I didn't realise was that this guy who I thought was a student and was sitting directly in front of me, was actually one of the tutors of the paper! The lecturer asked him to help pick some people to tell the class where they see themselves! So the tutor started...

"I heard something interesting from this group here"
(he points to our group, I start to turn away, starting to get the feeling he's going to ask me)

(Looking at me,) "I don't know your name but can you say what you said?"

(Not wanting to lie but not wanting to say what I say, I end up saying the worst thing I could say) "...Leave pharmacy..."

Then there was a bit of awkward laughter, and once again I was going into damage control trying to add the word MAYBE!!

The lecturer then typed what I said onto his blank slide with the heading 'In Five Years Time..."

After class a few of my friends came up to me asking if I was going to leave pharmacy, and I tried telling them I sorta meant I wanted to go into a different area of pharmacy, maybe not with patients because I wanted to avoid killing people!

The next week, the lecturer started by displaying a slide with the heading


The lecturer then started,

"I have to be honest. I went away from last week's lecture a little concerned. I don't know if it's just for laughs or not, but if pharmacy's not your thing, maybe you should change degree. There's nothing worse than to waste two years of your life studying something you don't want to."

I put my head down, hoping he wouldn't recognise me or pick on me, while my friends turned to me and smiled!

Now, whenever the lecturer goes to find people to answer his questions, I try to hide from him...just in case he recognises me as that guy who wants to leave pharmacy!

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