Sunday 8 March 2009

A Bit More Help, Why Not

Friday was the Orientation at Grafton, and once again I offered to help out over there. Upon signing in, we were given these green t-shirts to wear and had to go off to take care of our assigned jobs. I was meant to go over to the hospital to help look after the med students but at the last minute one of the med student helpers wanted to switch jobs with me, so I let him. He was supposed to be helping out at the main entrance of the Grafton campus, handing out maps and pamphlets, as well as helping the first year pharmacy and nursing students.

So I spent most of the morning standing at the entrance with a few others handing out maps to arriving first year Health Sciences and Nursing students, as well as directing them to their lecture theatres. It was pretty cool getting to meet all these people, albeit briefly!

I also found out one of the helpers who is studying for a Masters in Pharmacology used to go to Rutherford! He asked me if Hamish was my brother!

The highlight was probably this Chinese man who was getting help from another girl. When she asked if he needed anymore help he turned to me and asked me if I could speak Chinese, and that's when I tried to say a few words in Mandarin and hopefully helped him! I finally put what little Mandarin I could speak into good use! I also met a few people who remembered me from pharmacy interviews, or from the Dessert Club stand the day before!

Lunch was the highlight of the day though - I got to help with drinks! Edwin (my pharmacy friend) and I kept pouring the drinks. We were originally supposed to be on ice but the day wasn't too hot and it was a bit cloudy so I guess ice wasn't needed! We did a few mixes of L&P with juice, and other varieties just to see if anyone would be able to notice ;) We kept pouring drinks until one of the staff members asked us to stop for a while since there were quite a few cups on the table already. That's when I started asking people to take as many drinks as possible! I even texted my friend Chen to come over and grab a few drinks!

The 3rd year Pharmacy Intro Lecture was right after lunch so Edwin and I left slightly early. I was optimistic about 3rd year Pharmacy til that day, when Chi, this other pharmacy guy kept going on about how hard this year will be. It was reinforced by the lecturers who kept warning us!! I've just got to *think of happy thoughts think of happy thoughts*.

What was also pretty cool was I talked to a few pharmacy people I hadn't really talked to much last year. That's one of my aims, to get to know and talk to more of the pharmacy students I don't usually talk to, to get out of my comfort zone!

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