Sunday 8 March 2009

Mum's Not-So-Much-of-a-Surprise Birthday Party

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Saturday was set as our mum's surprise birthday party at our cousins' house...or so we thought it would be a surprise...

We had music lessons for the first half of the day while our mum went out shopping. Our dad took us to accordion lessons and afterwards I kept pressing him to buy our mum a birthday present as we still hadn't got her anything at all! He kept relying on us, so I told him to go and try find something on his own since he's been married to our mum for over 20 years! He came back with a card and a gardening book. OK maybe not exactly what our mum would like but at least he put an effort into looking for something. He also wanted to buy her one of those Chinese pagoda ornaments from The Warehouse but there weren't any at the particular one we went to, so we rushed all the way back to Henderson to find one. Fortunately we found one, but on the way there our mum rang us on our cellphone, asking where we were! We told her we were on our way home...

When we got home we told our mum that we were going to take her to this sale at the ASB Showgrounds (which was true as she mentioned a few days ago that she was keen to go, plus there was a car stereo sale there!). She refused to go till she had had a shower! That was the first sign that she might've known something! When she got out of the shower she was also wearing perfume! She doesn't usually wear perfume when she goes to a sale!

The sale turned out to be mainly perfume, with some watches, sunglasses and car stereos. We only had an hour to check it out, enough time for me to buy a watch. We got back to Henderson to buy takeaways and were on our way to our cousins' place. Our mum was too clever and noticed that we weren't going home, and then that was when she revealed she knew all along that there would be a surprise party..because she had seen it marked in the diary my dad uses to mark his shifts in!

The party was pretty good. A few of the relatives couldn't make it, but that was OK. Our Brens' cousins bought our mum this gnome garden ornament which could hold plants, while our other Andersons' cousins bought her some flowers. We revealed our presents to her too.

It was also the first time my relatives had seen my new modified jaw! Because of the jaw, I wasn't really able to eat much so I made up for it by eating twice as much dessert :D Our relatives had actually prepared a birthday cake for our mum too! What was really nice was being able to get our mum and dad have a photo taken together after she had blown out the candles. It's such a rare thing seeing them together like that!

After the meal we all sat around in the lounge and the conversation turned into a 'guess the plant' game, where the aunties and uncles were trying to figure out which plant people were talking about (they weren't actually playing a game...they really didn't know what each other were talking about!).

It ended up getting late and that's when the party ended, but it was good to celebrate our mum's birthday (it was a bit of a milestone...but I won't say what sort of milestone!) since she's so important to us!

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