Sunday 15 March 2009

The Story So Far

Two weeks of uni have now passed and I have to say it hasn't been too bad up to this point. There is one paper that worries me but I'll get to that soon..

The first week of uni is always the best when most of the lectures are just boring introduction lectures which you can just switch off in, while the labs are just introductory labs where you just go through the rules and finish a couple hours early...the best!!

Unfortunately because the Grafton campus is getting major upgrades, there is a shortage of teaching space up there, so classes for one of our Pharmacy papers got relocated to the city campus. This meant we would be having our tutorials in some random room called Arts206 located somewhere in the Arts Faculty! I suppose it's a good opportunity to know my way around that area. It does mean more walking between campuses though, which takes a bit more energy this year since I don't have an unlimited bus pass which would let me catch the bus from one campus to the other. It's good exercise walking though, even though it takes a bit longer!

Orientation was a big thing at uni during the first week. This is usually quite interesting, checking out the different club stalls and getting free stuff. For me this time round though, I had spend quite a bit of my spare time helping out at the Dessert Club stall. It wasn't too bad, talking to random people. Those who were actually interested in the club were a whole lot easier to talk to...obviously! It was funny though how sometimes when I'd try approach passers-by (while holding a plate of lollies) and they'd walk away from me! We did have quite a good turnout.

We decided to continue our stall into the second week of uni for a few days. We were the only ones besides a few other random Asian clubs to have our stall open in the Quad, but we didn't get as many people coming to our stall. So what do the people helping at the stall do to help pass the time away when no one comes? Perve at students walking by! I swear I took no part in that!!!

I seem to be getting a lot more involved with the Dessert Club this year, despite only being in charge of updating their websites. I had to pick up the pies that had been ordered at this Glen Eden bakery the other day for the pie eating competition our club is holding...some time next week (it's been postponed several times now I've lost track of when it's actually going to happen). Originally I thought I'd be able to get Aonghas to drive me there but he had to work, so I decided to drive myself there which was a bit of a worrying though since I had never driven to Glen Eden before and didn't exactly know where to go! To make things worse, I discovered a wasp flying around inside the car while I was driving! I managed to keep carm though and got there without getting stung.

Dealing with the lady at the bakery was a little funny. When I paid with EFTPOS, the lady kept accidentally unplugging the EFTPOS machine! She gave me two boxes and when I inspected them once I got back to the car, I realised she had only given me ten pies instead of the 20 we had ordered. I texted the girl who ordered them, and just at the same time she said the lady from the bakery rang her saying she had more pies! So I went back in and got the rest.

So back to uni - some of the highlights in the past two weeks:

- Last Tuesday (the first Tuesday of semester) Aonghas and I caught the bus into uni early in the morning to get to our 8am class, when the bus suddenly stopped down Te Atatu Road! The motor started going again but the bus pulled over at the next bus stop and we all got out, and this was just before we got on the motorway too! We were standing around waiting and wondering what was going to happen next, and if we should get on the next bus that just arrived. We were soon shepherded back onto the bus after a while though and we made it to the city, albeit a little late!

- I also ended up deciding to buy this big, thick Pharmacotherapy textbook that we need for one of our papers this year (a 30 point paper too - i.e. runs through both semesters!) as well as several papers next year. It is over 2000 pages long, maybe 4-5 cm thick and about 4kg thick and $230! Fortunately for me I got a $40 book voucher for helping out with Orientation Day at Grafton the previous week. When I asked at the University Bookshop if I could use the book vouchers, they said I wouldn't receive the 10% student discount (pricing the book at $207) and would only get $40 off the original price of $230. However, the temp staff member had no idea how to take off the 10% discount, so she just left it there. Yay!! I've never brought the book to uni since though. It's sooo heavy!

- I had my first Uniguide meeting with the students I guided on the first Thursday of the semester. I only just made it as I had an orthodontist appointment at Middlemore Hospital an hour prior to the meeting! Only four of the six students showed up though, and when they showed up none of them seemed to have any problems or questions! I suppose I consider myself lucky, but it would be cool to be of some help to them!

What has also been cool is being able to catch up with people at uni! The best place seems to be the Business School foyer. All I'd have to do is sit at one of the tables in the foyer and someone I know is bound to come along!

During the first week I saw and hung out with Lisa, this girl in my youth group nearly every day of the week! We'd just somehow keep running into or seeing each other! There was one day I was going to meet Angie to borrow a book off her. We ended up going to the Business School where we met up with Gwen (who I've probably hung out with more times in the past two weeks than I did all last semester!) and ate for a while, when Lisa came along and I introduced her to them. A little while later I saw Elisa, my ex-pharmacy friend sit down at a nearby table and so I called out to her to come join us and introduced her to the others. It turns out she and Lisa are schoolmates!

There was this other day I came into the foyer and saw Lisa sitting there doing some study, so I joined her (maybe annoyed her too haha). A little while later Shen, my high school friend came along and sat at a table beside us with his friends. After a while he came and joined us. Lisa's friend from high school came along just as Lisa had to go off to her class. Ben, my other high school friend had been texting me wondering where I was, and soon came to join Shen and me. Lisa's friend decided to stay and sit with us, so it was now Shen, Ben, me and Lisa's friend for a while. That was an...interesting conversation. We discovered quite a few unusual things about Lisa's friend!

What's funny though is I hardly run into my brothers at uni! Maybe that's a good thing. We need our space! There was one time however when I was on my way home and I crossed paths with Hamish, who was walking in the opposite direction towards uni. After asking him where he was going I let him be and crossed the road. That's when I caught up with Aonghas who told me he was going home, so we both walked to the bus stop. While we were waiting there, Hamish came along and joined us! That's probably the only time we've caught the bus home together so far!

One thing I need to remember to do though is to carry a house key with me. That day when we all came home together, none of us had a house key and our mum was out. We ended up waiting outside the house for over three hours! I found myself locked outside the house again on a gloomy day a few days ago!

OK this post is long enough. No more long posts! I'll talk about Friday the 13th and that lecture I said the wrong thing in tomorrow...

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