Wednesday 18 March 2009

Slippery Friday the 13th

I didn't even notice it was Black Friday, until everything started to unravel at youth group...

We were learning about the five love languages - physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service and receiving gifts. We each did some sort of questionnaire to determine our love language and it turns out mine is words of affirmation and quality time - that means I feel most loved when people say nice things to me and when people spend quality time with me! It was a little embarrassing because I seemed to be the only 'words of affirmation' person, besides a couple of the youth group leaders!

We were then going to get into groups for discussion, and because our youth group is getting larger, that night we were going to get into groups based on age/school year and they were discussing whether it should be university students on their own or include senior students. The only senior student is this girl Jenny, who is year 13, and because we sorta tease each other (or maybe I'm just mean to her? I hope not!) I was sorta thinking NOOO jokingly, but I didn't realise I said that out loud and everyone looked at me making that OOOOOOOHHH (you know the noise people make when they think someone is being sad?) and I went into damage control!

When we got into our groups and we went around the circle talking about our prayer requests, I said I needed more motivation because sometimes I'm sitting in class, thinking 'what am I doing here??". A few minutes after I said that, I realised the youth group leader who was looking after our group is a pharmacist and I just sorta dissed her profession!

Now here's when karma kicked in. I found Hamish's and my Sunday School workbooks in the room we had been in after weeks of losing it (no that's not the karma). I ran out the door and along the deck to catch up with the rest who had gone into the main hall for supper. Now it had been raining and the deck was slippery, and guess what? I slipped! I quickly got back up to save face but the damage was already done. I had, and still have this large graze and a bruise on my backside!!

I think I need to think before I speak a bit more!

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