Thursday 18 January 2007

A Pass

I woke up early, a little excited but mostly worried about what my NCEA results would be like once I got them from the mail. All I saw lying on the coffee table was a letter from StudyLink to Hamish (I swear that boy has received over ten letters from them!!!) and nothing else! I was trying not to give up hope that they wouldn't come, but how often does the mail arrive each day anyway?

So I thought I would try take my mind off NCEA by helping my dad shift some sand in the backyard. There's this big pile of sand in the corner of our property that is supposed to be used to make paths, but when we were little kids we used to use it as a sandpit, making volcanoes, avalanches and the rest. We were going to shift the sand to the area beside the house to make way for a possible garden shed.

After a while I decided I couldn't fight my need to know my results so I went back inside, searched the net and found out that NCEA results would be posted online sometime mid-afternoon, but not wanting to wait I just went straight on to find my results, and the words to describe them:

TERRIBLE miserable EMBARRASSING shameful

So this was the second time I passed NCEA Level 3 and get University Entrance,
not that the first one counts anymore according to Auckland University! I thought I did badly in my Chinese exam, and yes I did! My parents weren't too happy, and were pretty disappointed! Aonghas checked his results afterwards and they weren't too bad, although a few were missing.

I later checked the Auckland University website to find out that I've been approved for Biomedical Science! Later on in the day I was approved for Health Science as well! I still haven't heard anything about my application for Law/Commerce and Law/Engineering, but because they were my two lowest choices maybe I was given a miss for them. My mum seems to think this is some sign from God - that because I missed out on the law scholarship and that I haven't yet been approved for the two law degrees I have applied for, he probably wants me to go into health/science! I'm going to have to think about this all over again now!

Mrs Russell, a teacher at Rutherford rang later in the day today. Being the typical slow, clueless me it was a bit of a weird one:

(Mrs Russell) "Hi Calum, is Aonghas around, or is he at work at the moment?"

(Me) "Hi oh he's not working today but he just went out with our dad to pick some stuff up"
(not knowing who I'm speaking to...definitely not Chen! Possibly a guy or my aunty??)

(Mrs Russell) "Oh OK, just wanted to ask him about his results. Did he do alright?"

(Me) "Uhhhhhh....results......."
(Right now trying to figure out what she means by results....his accordion exam results?????)
(Mrs Russell) "You know...the results...Chen told me you did pretty well?"

(Me) "Ooooooooh you're Mrs Russell!!!!!"

(Mrs Russell) "Yeah, just a minor detail..."

In the afternoon we finished shifting the sand after having to carry bucketloads of it across the back lawn. I'm sure I must've gotten a bit of exercise from doing that!

Fortunately my parents were in a better mood and were kinda cheered up by the fact we had actually done something constructive today, so my mum went out and bought Chinese takeaways for dinner! Yay!

Oh and for the record, I won't be running through the school naked :D

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