Sunday 28 January 2007

Fun at Church?

I didn't even think that was possible but today turned out to be quite a good time at church! Because this week was the last week of holiday Sunday School before we'd have to resume normal Sunday School next week, us teens were going to have a barbecue instead of Sunday School. I ended up texting Angie till half past three in the morning the night before (before I decided I'd better get some sleep and she started to drift off!) trying to convince her to come today and eat sausages! (amongst sharing other things)  :D She ended up coming this morning to church and happened to sit in the seat right behind me!

While I wasn't completely listening to the sermon, I listened to bits of it as I discovered towards the end that it could be relevant to me! The associate pastor was talking about living a life of purpose and doing something meaningful with your life, and as of yet I still haven't discovered my ultimate life goal! I spent the whole service kicking Aonghas's foot, keeping him from sleeping as well as trying not to yawn too much.

When the service was over Angie and I met up with Jennifer, the other girl in my Sunday school class and we carried the food and barbecue equipment to the lawn at the back. The three of us talked for a while before all of us had to sit around in a circle, have a pray, sing some songs and then one of the adults give a little message to us about having a good year and being a good Christian and everything. The singing was pitiful! Hardly anyone sang, and one of the adults started clapping during one of the songs! He looked like some little kid!

Once that was all over, the guys got the barbecue warmed up to cook the sausages. The girls and I were supposed to butter the bread but then it was decided that whoever wanted their bread buttered could do it themselves, so Jennifer, Angie ended up talking. We eventually sat around on the lawn eating and talking about all sorts of stuff. Jennifer just recently went to some science forum/camp thing, which sounded interesting! They ended up being forced to do these crazy things in public down Queen St, like sing songs and hold hands with guys. When she said that I made some comment like that was nice, and her mum (who's going to be a helper in my Sunday school class this year) said that I probably wanted that!! 

Jennifer and Angie were to remain in the same Sunday school class this year with all these new people (Aonghas included), while I'd have to move up to the uni students class with Hamish, but Jennifer tried asking her mum if she and Angie could move into the same class with me so that I wouldn't be lonely, and her mum (who's the assistant helper of the class) said that I wouldn't be lonely because my brother would be in the class! She didn't have any problems with it though, so hopefully we'll still all be together this time next week!

We ended up sharing embarrassing stories, and (don't worry about how the conversation came to to this!) I discovered that Jennifer knows Zippo!! She used to go to the same primary school as her! She also recognised Estee's name too (same primary school!). She also knew Phoebe, who used to go to our church's Sunday school! It's amazing how we're all connected!

After lunch Angie, Jennifer, Aonghas and I went back inside and decided to play a little table tennis. Jennifer then went off to attend the cooking class, where my mum went off to as well, so Angie continued to play table tennis with us until she had to go. After that a couple of guys joined us in table tennis, and then after we played soccer. Aonghas and I thought we'd try different strategies which didn't work too well with Hamish as goalie! We ended up reverting to plain basic shooting! After a while we were sweating like hell, so we shot a few hoops before Jennifer came back and together with Tim my Sunday school teacher from last year we played a bit of 3-on-3 basketball. It soon evolved into volleyball after we put up the nets. After one of the guys hit the ball into the net causing it to come off though, it took a while for it to be put back up so we gave up. By now the cooking class had finished, so we left church at about 4pm.

I think I finally have friends at church!! :D

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