Wednesday 24 January 2007

The Greatest Guys!

While my birthday wasn't so eventful, the last few days have been, thanks to my friends! On Monday I needed to go down to the bank to sort out student allowance stuff, so Aonghas and I walked down to WestCity to go do that (as mentioned in my last post) and then went to the vege shop to buy some bread. On the way there we checked out this car shop to look for car aerials. This guy immediately came up to us and asked if we needed any help, so we just had to sound like we knew what we were talking about! After that was over we went into the bread shop to get our bread and we met this girl Sophie (I think? From Rutherford?) that Aonghas knows and that I remember buying chocolate from last year!

When I got home my mum passed me this birthday card, and I opened it to find it was from Melissa and Kat! While I was out they had come by (Melissa? Driving? *cough cough* :P) and dropped it off with my mum. Inside it was a $20 Vodafone top-up voucher! Just what I always wanted! Thanks guys soooo much for that trouble!! They didn't have to do that for me! I've promised that I'm going to take them out for lunch sometime as a small thank-you gesture! So I spent 40c replying to them and thanking them before Melissa told me I was supposed to buy TXT2000. Duhhh. So I finally did that today and now I have 2000 txts to send! Yay!! I'm not used to sending txts though, ever since free weekend txtn was over and it's been about three months since I last txted obsessively! Anyway now you'll get a reply if you txt me! :D

Another surprise came to me when I found out not too long ago that a few of my friends had organised a little birthday 'outing' for me! So yesterday Chen came over in the morning to pick Aonghas and me up from our house and took us round to Gwen's house, where I found Alex, Zahir and Angie there as well! Zahir gave me this book on Worst Case Scenarios for Dating and Sex (very helpful!!!), while Chen gave me this book of jokes (very funny!!). Alex bought me a polo shirt from Hallensteins while Gwen and Angie did this huge collage of Rutherford memories for me which was really nice! I've put that up on my wall now so when I go in there I can remember all those good times! Thanks you guys!! You guys as well didn't have to get me anything either!!!

We hung around in Gwen's bedroom playing with her BIG ball, with Zahir making a little scratch on her wall, and a few of us knocking each other over and nearly smacking her computer. Aonghas and I also got to try out Alex's new phone which is so cool, a 3.2 mega pixel Sony Cybershot phone! It's better than my old phone! I've been looking at it for a while and waiting for the price to drop, but it was cool playing with hers!

We then all decided to go outside for lunch, so we strolled over to Woolworths to buy some food (with Gwen and Alex sneaking around the place trying to hide from their manager I think!), and then we went across the road to the fish 'n' chip shop to buy and chips. While we were waiting outside on the footpath Mrs Reid came by! It took me a little while to remember her name, and it hasn't even been that long since I left Rutherford!! She said I was welcome to come back and visit her anytime so I'll do that!

Once we got the food we went back across the road to the nearby park to eat it. That was amusing with the cups and forks flying around and Aonghas and I getting soaked in L&P. That was OK though as we couldn't finish it anyway! We went back to Gwen's to play a little bit of Singstar, mainly because I wanted to hear Chen and Angie sing!! Now I've got a recording of it ;)

Time was running out so they got out my cake, and did a fast forward version Happy Birthday and I blew out the candles being sure not to spread germs, and then the cake was distributed! We then had 15 minutes to walk down to the bus stop! We got there in time but the bus didn't arrive for several minutes so we were a little anxious, but sure enough it came late! We all got on and I ended up having a conversation with Angie who I was sitting next to during the bus trip.

When we got to the city we went over to IMAX and bought our movie tickets to 'Night at the Museum'. Aonghas was going to use his 'movie money' voucher but the guy at the counter asked him if he REEALLY wanted to use it on the discount day! So Aonghas changed his mind.

We got in the theatre early and we were the only ones sitting there. Angie, Zahir and I were all sitting next to each other, the guys with the really bad eyesight. Although even though Zahir's glasses got munted at Big Day Out he could still see the screen without them, while Angie and I couldn't without our glasses! The movie was really good nonetheless! We hung out at the arcade afterwards, where Zahir beat Gwen, Chen beat Aonghas (and me for the last three points, but that's just because I didn't have enough time to warm up ;) ) and...I can't remember who won between Chen and Zahir but it was really close! By now it was approaching 6pm so we flipped a coin to decide whether to eat at IMAX or at this pizza place. In the end it was the pizza place.

The pizza place which wasn't too far from TVNZ or Sky City was very posh, the poshest place I've eaten at before! We ordered three large pizzas, Mexicana, American(a) and the other one...(can't remember what it's called...). They all tasted great and as expected us guys were left finishing it all as the girls got full. Zahir mistook a waitress to be a cleaner and asked the waitress to get a waitress!

Once all the food was gone we started walking down Queen St to Britomart to wait for the bus. We got back at about 9pm and just talked and shared stuff in Gwen's room, until my mum came to pick all of us guys up at 10pm.

Thanks once again Kat, Melissa, Gwen, Alex, Zahir, Chen and Angie for making it a memorable 18th birthday afterall and thanks again to Gwen for organising a day out for me!!

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