Wednesday 10 January 2007

Little Kids


Today was the last day of the holiday programme for the kids at church, and so it was a little sad! I had gotten to know quite a few of these kids as well as some of the other helpers and now it was about to end! As with Monday and Tuesday, we started off with singing. Aonghas and I played the song Father Abraham on our accordions while the little kids sang and did the actions with the singing leaders. We had to play the song fast, and then slow, and then normal.

After that we played some games such as all the boys trying to kick this huge ball out of a circle only with our feet while the girls around the outside of the circle had to try keep it in. For the record us boys won! (unlike yesterday when the boys lost to the girls in Tug o' War!! I think there were definitely more girls!) We ended with a round of the limbo. I ended up having a go but didn't do so well!

After the games we went back to the mat to listen to some stories, learn a bit about Aslan (in the Chronicles of Narnia) and learn some memory verse as well as do a few other activities. One of them was that each kid had to write a sin on a piece of paper and then pin it onto the big cross. It was interesting to see what the kids wrote on their pieces of paper. Most of them wrote swearing, fighting and bullying, but I saw someone put down suicide!

We then had morning tea, which was the usual biscuits, corn chips, strawberries and juice. The interesting part began during craft work though. We were all in our groups helping the children make triangle pyramid-shaped 'lanterns', and I somehow ended up helping and talking to the girls in the group. There was one girl who was basically asking me to do everything for her. I tried to help her out a bit, and while I was, the girls and I ended up having this conversation about ice-cream. I was asking them if they liked these different flavours of ice-cream that I liked, like gingerbread, cookies and cream, rocky road, and even goody goody gumdrops and each time the girls would go


One girl said I probably ate feces-flavoured ice-cream! That girl told me about how she has an ice-cream maker and I tried asking her how she made ice-cream (with the ice-cream maker) and she replied:

"With an ice-cream maker...duuuuuuuuhhhh!!"

Man those girls were meanies! One of them asked me if I liked sour stuff and got me to try this sour powder and then they all watched me as I cringed while consuming it! Another group borrowed our group's cellotape so I went around trying to look for some, and I was standing in the way of a photo so the photo-taker called my name out. Not so long after I found the cellotape, quickly took a long strip and sneaked off, leaving some girl from that group calling out


I know not a good look in front of the kids at church! To my defence I was using it, not stealing it! When I got back to my group the girls started calling me naughty! They were even planning on chasing me after the programme! That didn't eventuate fortunately.

When time was up the kids had to go back to the mat for prize-giving. My group 'Aslan' came last...sadly! I have no idea how that happened!!

Once all the kids left, us helpers and a few of the kids still there had lunch. I was sitting with this little guy called Raymond, the guy who started calling me and getting others to call me Salad. Man he was a machine at eating dumplings! Then while we were eating he was explaining why he sometimes gets watery eyes and feels like vomiting, but doesn't vomit in the end, this while I was trying to eat as well!

Helping out in the past three days was so much fun! I got to know quite a few people at church and hopefully they got to know me! I also learnt a lot! Boy I wish I went to the children's services, they must be fun! Hopefully I'll see the little kids around church on Sunday again!

Yesterday after the programme I went over to visit Joshua, my 5-year-old cousin/nephew/great-nephew whatever he is. I actually played with him for the first time! He can speak both Cantonese and English so he sometimes puts me to shame! Anyway Aonghas and I went with him to his bedroom to play on his PS2. He's a huge Star Wars and Lego fan, so what better than to play the Star Wars Lego game on PS2!

It's amazing how much he can speak, after remembering how small he used to be! I'm not too sure if he remembers our names yet, but at least we're 'goh goh' (older brother) to him! Hopefully we'll be to him like what 'jie jie' was to us! She used to play with us when we were little kids and take us around Hong Kong when we went there over 10 years ago!

Tonight Szelin came over to give us some curry after we got back from the computer shop in the city to buy a few things. Aonghas, Szelin and I ended up talking for over two hours, catching up with stuff! She's going to sit her restricted within the next few days! I can't believe how far behind I am! I was talking to Phoebe the other day who said she's nearly ready to sit her restricted, but she's only had it for three months, so she has to wait till March! I told my mum and she started shaming me telling me how slow I have been, since I've had my learner's for over a year! I've definitely got to get a move on, and with Chen now practising driving regularly, I may end up the last person to get my restricted!!

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMAO! Well Calum, DO you eat feces flavored ice-cream? Also, hehe, I admire your patience. Little kids can be brutal.
