Monday 8 January 2007

Farewell Hyun and Joon!

Yesterday morning I got up early out of bed...OK not that early but by my standards it was! Anyway I gathered the troops and half an hour after we were meant to set off, we finally set off! We picked up Gwen along the way and went on our way to the airport to say our last goodbyes to the Oh Boys.

We were supposed to meet them at the airport at 10am but we only picked Gwen up at 9.15am! So we didn't have much time to get there! Fortunately, my car didn't break down, there were no funny sounds reported, and we made it to the airport in about half an hour!

When we got there we found Hyun and Joon with his father and the luggage waiting beside the check-in archway. The reason - their luggage was about 20kg overweight! For each kg overweight it would cost them $35, which would equate to about $600! Hyun, Joon and their dad were therefore asking each passenger passing by if they could help carry some of their luggage and in return they would pay for the passenger's departure fee. For an hour it was looking bad as people were ignoring Hyun (nah sorry! Not just you!) and unable to help out. It was looking bad and I had already made a bet with Gwen (for a dollar) that they wouldn't be able to find anyone just half an hour out from their boarding time, and they were about to check-in having given up finding someone, when DUNDUNDUN they found someone! We all watched from the barrier as they checked in and Joon helped the Check-In girl haul the luggage onto the belt. As soon as they were done though there wasn't much time to talk to them before they had to go to the departure gate!

We took our final photos. I passed on Melissa's handshake and Sarena's hug to the twins before the Oh's had to board their flight. We quickly rushed to the observation deck to watch them walk past the duty free shops and Joon managed to see us first and we communicated via hand signals for a few minutes before they continued on to their plane.

By now two hours was nearly up and we'd have to pay some more money for car parking, so instead of missing watching the plane take off, Aonghas and my mum decided they'd go shopping across the road at The Warehouse for several minutes (where car parking is free) while we stay and watch the Korean Air plane take off.

It was pretty sad watching them leave knowing I wouldn't see them for aaages! After hanging out with them for the past seven years, I'm going to have to find other friends or make new friends to hang out with this year! At least there's still MSN! So yeah it isn't really farewell...completely!

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