Monday 16 January 2006

Training Course Saved

Today I attended a music training course to become a more 'effective' music teacher this year. The training course runs for three days from today till Wednesday. I haven't really been looking forward to going because it means having to be there for seven hours listening to people talk and being around all older people, not knowing anyone and being a total loner.
Fortunately it didn't start off that way. This guy who attended the initial introduction to the music school at the same time as me recognised me, even though I didn't recognise him at first! He's a third year university student studying violin/voice. I talked to him for a while before the course started till his friend arrived and I kinda got...ditched...
It turned out that not everyone was old. There were a few people the same age as me. However I was the only accordionist there (apart from the speakers of course!) Fortunately I wasn't a loner for too long! This girl came up to me and asked if I used to go to Rangeview because she remembered watching me perform the accordion at assembly! I then recognised that it was Elizabeth from Rangeview! I haven't seen her since Rangeview but we caught up a bit during lunch. It's funny how we used to go to the same intermediate school but never talked but now we're at different schools we're able to talk to each other!
Anyway the course went on and on for seven hours with the speakers telling us about the definition of teaching and learning, how to structure a lesson, blablabla with a few tea breaks in between. I kinda dozed off a little towards the end of the day but finally it was 4.15pm and time to go home! I've got another three days to get through but at least the next two days will end at 3pm. It does feel a bit like school has already started back up though!

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