Wednesday 18 January 2006

Training: Complete

I am officially an accordion teacher at the Music Education Centre, but whether I'll have any students to teach is another matter!
Today was the last day of the training course. A South African piano teacher with a doctorate in music came to give us some tips on how to teach young beginners as well as late beginners. I was lumped with all the piano teachers and so a couple of hours weren't too relevant to me, such as the different beginning piano books for young students. The piano teacher went through the rows of piano teachers picking pairs to come up and do a bit of role playing with one teacher acting as the teacher and one acting as the student. When it came to me and the Asian girl next to me I told her I didn't know how to play the piano as I was an accordionist so I got to be the student (I know how to play right hand anyway so it was just an excuse not to have to act as the teacher!)
Yesterday I was talking to this guy I met called Bradley, a third year university student who will be teaching violin/voice. After he complets his bachelor of music degree he wants to go on to do a bachelor of arts in languages, because as it turns out, he's an opera singer and would like to know more Italian, German and French! That's really cool and I can't wait to hopefully hear of him in a few years time as a famous New Zealand opera singer!
So yeah I signed my contract filled out all required forms and now I'm done. I'll be teaching on Tuesdays and Thursdays...if I do get students... 

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