Sunday 22 January 2006

Near Quarter-life Crisis

ARRRRHHHH I'M OOOLLD!!! I just turned 17 yesterday, which made me realise that nearly a quarter of my life has gone! I still can't speak either Mandarin or Cantonese properly, I'm near-jobless, single and ugly! I'm one year off from turning 18 and you know what that not booze but being eligible to vote!!! :D OK maybe it's not so bad...

Thank goodness I've got great friends! Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes! I don't want to name everyone here. My aunty rang first thing in the morning though to wish me a happy birthday. I'm guessing she has kinda taken up my nana's former role of ringing the birthday person of the family. She told me my nana had a brooch in the shape of a C that she could give me as I was the only person in the family whose name started with a C.

The family all went out to the Chinese New Year Festival at the Auckland Showgrounds in the morning for a couple of hours (because my dad had to rush off to work by midday) Apart from overcrowding, it was great! I met so many people there! I met Ellen my recorder student and her family, Julie's mum and sister, and Teresa who I haven't seen since New Year's Day last year! I also met an accordion teacher based at the West Auckland Music Education Centre who told me she lost three of her accordion students and is struggling to find new students. That definitely is not a good sign! She did however tell me that the accordion world championships will be held in New Zealand in 2009 so hopefully that might be a goal for me to compete in that!

When we got home we were originally planning to paint the house but we realised this time that we didn't have a paint tray! So our painting plans were delayed AGAIN.

Then this Indian guy rang to do a survey on my quality of life. I thought what the heck why not I don't mind surveys! He mentioned $3000 and a few $100 gift vouchers were on offer too so that was a bit of an incentive. When I answered that I attended Rutherford College and he told me he used to go to Mt Roskill Grammar, he asked me if I knew anyone there and so I asked him if he knew Diane or Disha or Anuprita (sorry you other people from MRGS I forgot to ask!) He didn't know Diane or Anuprita but he did know Disha!

Chen came over to give me a birthday present which was really cool of him Thanks Chen!! and I spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Hyun and Joon on the phone. For the record I ate rice and sweetcorn for dinner ;)

So that sums up my 12th birthday-Chinese New Year Festival, telemarketer and TV in the evening. Bring on my 12th year of life hopefully it'll be a better year!

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