Friday 27 May 2005

On our way to the Octo's!

Thanks to our debating team's win over Auckland International College earlier this week, we have jumped 13 places up to 13th place out of 60 teams in the senior group. With one round to go, a win will guarantee us a place in the octofinals. Fingers crossed!

Our squash team also won today, but by default.

First day of exams today, and it was horrible! Chemistry was three hours, consisting of two NCEA internal papers. The written assessment (with calculations) wasn't so bad, but the titrations really have me worried! My average titre was 30.32mL while other people I asked had 31mL and 33mL. Our titre has to be within 0.2mL of the teacher's if we want to get excellence! Well I suppose its one down, 5 more exams to go...

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  1. ha! I only have three exams left, and chem is only one hour, maths is just the stats internal and the other one is art design workshop~~

    not bragging or anything.

    Good luck with your exams calum.

  2. don't u hate it when joon CONSTANTLY deletes his comments? can't u think b4 u type?

    anyway i hav ...4 exams left and one of them is a time wasting internal :D
    oops sry joon was it u or ur brother tht got top in eco last yr...
