Saturday 14 May 2005

If only things couldn't get worse


I was hoping I could really avoid a whitewash yesterday, but it wasn't to be. I lost in squash, which completed a week full of loses for me. I was up against this Dilworth guy who was smaller than me but boy could he serve! He just smacked the ball and it rebounded against the wall towards me and before I had a chance to react it had bounced into the corner and I lost that point! Not helping was my serving either. I think that guy felt sorry for me so he gave me a few soft serves. In the middle of the game though, I started thinking to myself...

'I'm not gonna let this guy win! Especially not someone from a rich private school like Dilworth!'

He served the ball and I gripped the racquet tightly and smashed the ball! That definitely caught him by surprise! wasn't enough and I still got wasted 17-52 or something like that. Aonghas was the only one in our team to record a win against Dilworth but because our school lost 3-1 overall to Dilworth, we didn't get any points. The other team lost all their games against Kelston Boys.

The twins asked me to pick them up from their house afterschool to take them to squash, and their mum would take us all home. We went over to their place but no one was home! We thought they must've already gone so we left, but when we got to Club Physical we realised they hadn't turned up either. My mum went back and found Hyun sprinting his hardest with Joon walking a bit of a distance behind. Apparently their bus took the wrong turn and they had to walk home for an hour!

I was called to go to Guidance this morning. That got me wondering if the English teachers thought I needed a check-up on my sanity and my mental stability because I didn't get excellence in my formal writing. That's what Miss Edwards did to me in fourth form anyway! Mr Johnson the guidance councellor asked me if I ever had suicidal thoughts! I was thinking great! Friday the 13th, sent to the cuckoo house. It turns out that they wanted me to help out with some student-teacher bullying programme after school next Monday. That ain't so bad.

I've been visiting numerous form classes lately and it isn't as bad as I thought it would be! Students tend to get a bit rowdy after a while but they're really not as bad as people and teachers make them out to be! I've had heaps of useful suggestions and some not so useful information that I'll have to sort out.

Oh by the way I must really REALLY thank Phoebe!!! I helped her out with her webpage assessment over the holidays while she was in Hong Kong (supposed to be having a good time!) and she got me this Chinese movie as a thank-you present which she really shouldn't have! Can't thank you enough Phoebe!

1 comment:

  1. hm...they probly did tho aye ;) sounds lik them. but y did ms edwards send u to guidance in 4th form????if i was sent everytime i didn't get an excellence i fink ill neva get out of tht room....
