Thursday 19 May 2005


Let me say thank goodness Libertarianz aren't in power! Yesterday they released a press release outlining their 'ideal' budget. Here are a few points I found outrageous:

  • The country's defence assets would be quadrupled
  • Sale or distribution of all State assets within five years, except those related to police, law and order, justice, and defence. This includes all assets related to health and education.
  • Ending immediately all expenditures not related to police, law and order, justice, and defence. This includes health, education, and, above all, social welfare.


What will happen when all assets related to health and education are sold? Hospitals will undoubtedly go private, doctors fees (which for some are currently being subsidised by the government) wlll become unaffordable, and so will operation fees, etc.

The same could be said with regards to education. Who will ensure our country's children will receive a decent education, and that our schools do not overcharge, and deprive some of an education completely?

Libertarianz advocate personal freedom, but surely we can enjoy freedom a lot more with the help of the government? Sure they need to cut taxes (this government in particular, who can't seem to stop introducing taxes and taxes, and even taxes on taxes!) but not social welfare. Let's say you made a bad mistake which left you pretty much bankrupt. You end up losing everything you owned, including your house and are forced onto the streets or if you're lucky enough, a homeless shelter. Now without the help of social welfare, state housing, anything at all, except for maybe the occasional cop patrolling the street you happen to live at, how will you get yourself back into a position in which you can once again contribute to the country's society and economy? You'll be left out in the cold, sentenced to wander the streets for the rest of your lives, unless you're lucky enough to be helped by some kind people.

We must remember that not everyone on the benefit is able to work or are cheats. Some actually have legitimate reasons, such as illnesses, etc. Benefits should of course go to those who deserve it, but shouldn't be abolished as Libertarianz are recommending.

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