Sunday 22 May 2005

Long Walk

On Friday I got sixth period off (calculus) because I had to go to Rangitoto College with the twins (as part of the string quartet) to rehearse with our cellist. Because we don't have one at our school at the moment, we have to borrow one from their school. Rangitoto College have at least twelve string quartets! They also have heaps of resouces and music studios! I guess you'd expect one of NZ's biggest schools to have that! My arch rival in the accordion attends Rangitoto College so I was hoping I'd see her there, but I didn't. I'll probably be seeing her today anyway at an accordion performance both of us will be performing in.

We took the taxi from our school to Rangitoto and it cost a staggering $50 at least! After I put all my stuff in the boot, I tried closing it, but I didn't slam it hard enough, so I tried again.....and again. But it still wouldn't shut. My mum's car is one of those old style cars which you don't need to slam the door or boot hard to close it, so I'm not really used to it. Anyway this Polynesian taxi driver shouted at me:


(That's a bit exaggerated!)

I was a bit nervous when Hyun asked the driver midway through our trip if he could eat in the car. I wasn't sure if he'd bite Hyun's head off!

Our string ensemble teacher who is really strict when it comes to music didn't turn out to be as bad as Joon always claims (although he probably has had more of a rough time with her than me!). She was talkative in the car when she was taking us back home, but she wanted to avoid the traffic jams so she dropped us off at the Lincoln Road turn-off. This meant the twins had to walk all the way down Lincoln Rd while I had to walk even longer up Great North Rd to my house. Mr White the computer teacher drove past waving at us, or was he laughing at us? Anyway it started raining so the twins kindly let me shelter at their house. It's the first time I've been to their new house and I must say it is pretty cool! I really like their stairs!

Check out the latest video at Xtra Broadband

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