Thursday 19 May 2005

English Problims

Life is starting to get really hectic! The first good copy of our creative writing assessment must be handed in this Friday. I'm describing school and being inside a classroom as dull and boring, but I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with ideas! It took me all night to think of just one sentence! I just cannot manage to understand how we're supposed to describe inanimate objects such as rubbish bins, chairs, and picnic tables as having feelings! I'm now beginning to realise why the English teacher recommended that we didn't describe such 'man-made' buildings but a 'nature' scene instead! I'm probably not going to do well, as usual in English!

I have no idea whether I should drop English next year or not, since it becomes optional. Ideally I would drop it and pick up history again, but I don't really know what I want to study at university, nor do I know how important it is to take English in year 13.


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