Monday 30 May 2005

Calum Comments - 30 May 2005

I got a record (not that impressive but when you think of the number of comments I receive on this blog then you'd think so too!) 9 comments for my last comment on politics and other things, so maybe I should post more on that... Thanks to those of you who have commented and keep it coming, even if you disagree with what I say, as I like to debate a lot of things!

Anyway Schapelle Corby has been hitting the news a lot lately. Twenty years for bringing marijuana into the country seems quite harsh, compared to what you'd get in New Zealand. To put it into perspective, Antonie Dixon, the man who cut off his girlfriend's hand with a samurai sword, attacked his ex-girlfriend, shot a random man just for being Maori, held another man hostage to get the police's attention, received 20 years as well. Do we need to bring back capital punishment? In fact as Dixon was led out of the courtroom, he shouted out

"Bring back the electric chair!"

All these different possible reasons behind why Corby could be guilty or innocent is starting to have me confused. At first when I read the news about her sentence, the judge claimed it was because Corby admitted the drugs were hers. However there are other claims that the drugs had been smuggled into her baggage by baggage handlers. I didn't hear of the latter claim and so I was adament Corby was guilty. If she admitted the drugs were hers, how could she not know how they got in her own luggage? But after watching the news, I guess the overwhelming display of emotions probably got the better of me, and made me feel sorry for her. I wonder if this was genuine or just an act? The judge certainly didn't feel moved by the display, and even criticised the lawyers for crying as well! Now we see the Aussie backlash, and the Australian government doing all it can to help. Let's just hope it doesn't escalate to a diplomatic disaster.

If anyone knows more about this story feel free to post a comment and let me know.

This new Colmar Brunton survey commissioned by The Maxim Institute (which I may add are a right-leaning organisation) shows overwhelmingly that parents don't have faith in NCEA. ACT have jumped on the bandwagon, using this survey as proof why NCEA should be dumped, allowing schools to choose the qualification of their choice to offer. You must remember that this was only a parental survey. Just because parents do not have confidence in NCEA does not necessarily mean it is a bad system, but maybe just misunderstood, and a qualification in need of a bit of fine-tuning. Earlier this year employers and parents complained about not understanding the system. If they actually sit down or even talk to someone who knows about it, they will surely work it out.

By having many different qualifications available to students, how will we compare the nation's students? We have a national qualification, one that is our own. Sure it may not be recognised around the world, but that is because it is only offered in New Zealand and has only been in existence for a few years.

Sure NCEA only really lets students get into New Zealand universities, but that is similar to the system in the USA, where you must sit the SATs to get into an American university. Of course if you do have a universally recognised qualification then you can gain acceptance into any university, but I don't think claiming NCEA isn't recognised around the world can cut it as an argument why NCEA should be dumped. It is no more recognised than the previous Bursary qualification!

With a bit of tweaking over the next few years, NCEA can become an acceptable and challenging school qualification, recognising student achievement where it is deserved.

Congratulations to TVNZ and One News for winning best news programme at this year's Qantas Media Awards! Once again they've proven to be New Zealand's leading television news broadcaster. I've never really thought highly of TV3 and their news and current affairs offering, especially when it is dumbed down and unprofessional to cater for the youth. What is the point of getting two cars to race each other on Campbell Live? Is that current affairs?

The Head of News and Current Affairs at TV3 Mark Jennings criticises TVNZ for nabbing 20/20 off them, and with it the rights to Dateline and other ABC material. This is complete hypocrisy coming from someone from TV3, the station who took The Simpsons and Kath and Kim from TVNZ.

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Friday 27 May 2005

On our way to the Octo's!

Thanks to our debating team's win over Auckland International College earlier this week, we have jumped 13 places up to 13th place out of 60 teams in the senior group. With one round to go, a win will guarantee us a place in the octofinals. Fingers crossed!

Our squash team also won today, but by default.

First day of exams today, and it was horrible! Chemistry was three hours, consisting of two NCEA internal papers. The written assessment (with calculations) wasn't so bad, but the titrations really have me worried! My average titre was 30.32mL while other people I asked had 31mL and 33mL. Our titre has to be within 0.2mL of the teacher's if we want to get excellence! Well I suppose its one down, 5 more exams to go...

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Tuesday 24 May 2005

Finally some Good News!

We won our debate tonight! We were on the affirmative side, up against Auckland International College with the moot being:

"that we have unrealistic expectations of our public figures"

It was great! We used John Tamihere, Dover Samuels and David Benson-Pope as examples, and won by 30 points! I got speaker of the day, just one point clear of Hyun and Joon at 2nd= ! Despite winning, Hyun was still disappointed!

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Sunday 22 May 2005

No New Messages...

Our faithful answering machine of ten years finally retired today when we got a new one which is a whole lot better! We tried playing the messages on the old answering machine but it kept rewinding to messages from three years ago, and then gradually got quieter and quieter, so we thought it was about time it got replaced. I'm sure everyone else probably has one but our answering machine used to record messages on a small tape but now it's all digitally recorded. So its been fun pushing the buttons, listening to the voice telling us the time and how many messages we have...none so far...So feel free to ring us and leave a message!

After buying the answering machine at Westcity today my mum came across an old friend who shook my hand, introduced himself as James and asked if I remembered him...which I didn't. He was waiting for his daughter to finish work at Michael Hill. She's the same age as me, and apparently we were friends when we were babies (or little children anyway), so I wouldn't remember them, but its interesting to know the sort of people you were friends with a long long time ago and how to see how they've grown! I probably should catch up with this girl and see if she remembers me!


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Long Walk

On Friday I got sixth period off (calculus) because I had to go to Rangitoto College with the twins (as part of the string quartet) to rehearse with our cellist. Because we don't have one at our school at the moment, we have to borrow one from their school. Rangitoto College have at least twelve string quartets! They also have heaps of resouces and music studios! I guess you'd expect one of NZ's biggest schools to have that! My arch rival in the accordion attends Rangitoto College so I was hoping I'd see her there, but I didn't. I'll probably be seeing her today anyway at an accordion performance both of us will be performing in.

We took the taxi from our school to Rangitoto and it cost a staggering $50 at least! After I put all my stuff in the boot, I tried closing it, but I didn't slam it hard enough, so I tried again.....and again. But it still wouldn't shut. My mum's car is one of those old style cars which you don't need to slam the door or boot hard to close it, so I'm not really used to it. Anyway this Polynesian taxi driver shouted at me:


(That's a bit exaggerated!)

I was a bit nervous when Hyun asked the driver midway through our trip if he could eat in the car. I wasn't sure if he'd bite Hyun's head off!

Our string ensemble teacher who is really strict when it comes to music didn't turn out to be as bad as Joon always claims (although he probably has had more of a rough time with her than me!). She was talkative in the car when she was taking us back home, but she wanted to avoid the traffic jams so she dropped us off at the Lincoln Road turn-off. This meant the twins had to walk all the way down Lincoln Rd while I had to walk even longer up Great North Rd to my house. Mr White the computer teacher drove past waving at us, or was he laughing at us? Anyway it started raining so the twins kindly let me shelter at their house. It's the first time I've been to their new house and I must say it is pretty cool! I really like their stairs!

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Friday 20 May 2005

Just another Ordinary Day

Happy Birthday Teresa!! (Yesterday 19 May)

Some of you Rutherfordians might remember her as the girl who joined the kaleidoscope class for one day back in fourth form while her own school had a day off...if you can remember that far! She went through all the trouble to borrow our school uniform and fit in quite well without the teachers knowing!

Anyway I think I'm becoming accustomed to losing. I lost to this Macedonian guy from Rangitoto College in chess today. Actually I got wasted, and even though I knew it would happen, I thought I'd drag the game at least. He got a little annoyed and impatient that while I spent several minutes pondering a move he got up and wandered around the classroom. Congratulations to Joon for winning!

I came slightly late to Physics today because I spent interval in the English room asking Miss Wood (English teacher) some questions (a rare occasion). When I came in late I apologised and explained myself to Dr Colvine (physics teacher) and he said:

"Thats alright you'll just get an E [worst grade] for punctuality"

A few kids laughed so I'm hoping he was joking! I probably deserve something like an E for punctuality. I'm always late for everything - church, orchestra, violin lesson...

Today Miss Wood thought I was struggling with English because until today I hadn't written more than four sentences for my creative writing. Last night though I got a wake-up call, realising that I could possibly fail this assessment if I don't do anything at all! So I put pen to paper today, wrote the whole thing out and surprised her after school. She said it was good but I don't believe her. English teachers (except for Ms that how you spell her name again?) don't tell you (or aren't allowed to) what they really think!

Anyway chemistry test tomorrow and I've got to go to Rangitoto College in 6th period to rehearse with the string ensemble. This means no squash for me tomorrow, which will be Rutherford vs Rutherford!

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What a Bore

The budget turned out to be a real bore, with nothing really that exciting. It was disappointing actually. Tax 2008 at least? Other taxes would have been introduced by then! I don't think this was a particular vote-grabbing budget, but we'll see...


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Thursday 19 May 2005

English Problims

Life is starting to get really hectic! The first good copy of our creative writing assessment must be handed in this Friday. I'm describing school and being inside a classroom as dull and boring, but I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with ideas! It took me all night to think of just one sentence! I just cannot manage to understand how we're supposed to describe inanimate objects such as rubbish bins, chairs, and picnic tables as having feelings! I'm now beginning to realise why the English teacher recommended that we didn't describe such 'man-made' buildings but a 'nature' scene instead! I'm probably not going to do well, as usual in English!

I have no idea whether I should drop English next year or not, since it becomes optional. Ideally I would drop it and pick up history again, but I don't really know what I want to study at university, nor do I know how important it is to take English in year 13.


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Let me say thank goodness Libertarianz aren't in power! Yesterday they released a press release outlining their 'ideal' budget. Here are a few points I found outrageous:

  • The country's defence assets would be quadrupled
  • Sale or distribution of all State assets within five years, except those related to police, law and order, justice, and defence. This includes all assets related to health and education.
  • Ending immediately all expenditures not related to police, law and order, justice, and defence. This includes health, education, and, above all, social welfare.


What will happen when all assets related to health and education are sold? Hospitals will undoubtedly go private, doctors fees (which for some are currently being subsidised by the government) wlll become unaffordable, and so will operation fees, etc.

The same could be said with regards to education. Who will ensure our country's children will receive a decent education, and that our schools do not overcharge, and deprive some of an education completely?

Libertarianz advocate personal freedom, but surely we can enjoy freedom a lot more with the help of the government? Sure they need to cut taxes (this government in particular, who can't seem to stop introducing taxes and taxes, and even taxes on taxes!) but not social welfare. Let's say you made a bad mistake which left you pretty much bankrupt. You end up losing everything you owned, including your house and are forced onto the streets or if you're lucky enough, a homeless shelter. Now without the help of social welfare, state housing, anything at all, except for maybe the occasional cop patrolling the street you happen to live at, how will you get yourself back into a position in which you can once again contribute to the country's society and economy? You'll be left out in the cold, sentenced to wander the streets for the rest of your lives, unless you're lucky enough to be helped by some kind people.

We must remember that not everyone on the benefit is able to work or are cheats. Some actually have legitimate reasons, such as illnesses, etc. Benefits should of course go to those who deserve it, but shouldn't be abolished as Libertarianz are recommending.

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Tuesday 17 May 2005

What a Ball for the Opposition!

Excuse the pun, but Mr Hide (ACT leader) must be gleeing in the wake of Mr Benson-Pope's mess. He withdrew his allegations after they were raised and rejected by Benson-Pope in parliament last week. No doubt Mr Hide had some scheme up his sleave to cause damage to this government's reputation. He must've known that by getting Benson-Pope to reject these accusations, it would cause those accusers to come forth. He has certainly achieved that. This morning on National Radio though Mr Hide was calling for Benson-Pope to be sacked completely from cabinet despite the inquiry even getting underway! The more reasonable National MP Judith Collins wanted to hear Benson-Pope's response in parliament later today. I assume he denied all allegations.

3News certainly made a big whizz and bang over the whole affair last night with their 'Exclusive' leading their 6pm news bulletin. I was a little disappointed ONE News had it further down the order in theirs. It does raise some questions on whether TVNZ is biased (even though I've been ignoring that so far as I choose to watch ONE News anyday over 3!)

Here comes another inquiry though. How many ministers have had to stand down or have been sacked now? We've had Dalziel over the Sri Lankan girl immigration lie, John Tamihere for his infamous outburst, Dover Samuels for some convictions...I hope Mr Benson-Pope is found to be innocent, but the evidence seems to be pretty even on both sides!

Time To Work

We got our exam timetables today. Fortunately I have no exams on Thursday! And with Friday off as well, I get a five day weekend! It won't be much of one though, as the annual NZ Accordion Championships will be held during that weekend, so the two extra days will be handy to prepare for it.



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Monday 16 May 2005

Calum Comments - Monday 16 May

Because it was only Heather who commented on my Labour-slanted blog, I will continue to put out Labour propaganda, especially in an election year! Nah I'm only joking I will remain impartial and objective.

Anyway I've got to go to the school BOT meeting soon so here's my comments for today:

Last night's One News Colmar Brunton Poll showed Labour drop one point, and National followed suit, despite everything that has gone on in the last month. Rumours are abound that National and NZ First might sign a coalition deal that will see them in power with Winston Peters as prime minister. Now that is a scary proposition...

Everyone's Got a Voice!

And to think hardly anyone else had a blog the other day! Anyway it's pretty cool because all you people out there have such interesting lives! You've only got to read my blog to see that! lol

I'll post a list of blogs I know of soon (this template doesn't allow for links on the side bar)


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Sunday 15 May 2005

Still Sane and Stable

I've been inundated with questions as to why I was sentenced to councelling again. Fortunately this time round it was because of an anti-bullying programme the school wants me to help out with (somehow!!!) so it wasn't really because I went crazy or depressed. I can reassure (or disappoint) you all that I won't be killing myself anytime soon, nor will I kill anyone else! Calum Anderson: 99% sane


Girls are really mind-boggling. I have a friend who thinks dating guys and flirting with them is all just fun and that cheating on them at the moment is no big deal. I hope she realises that guys have feelings too!!!

Just because I've told a few of my female friends who ARE going to the ball that (when they asked) I'd only go to the ball if I had someone or friends to go with, I've been labelled DESPERATE and LOSER for some odd reason (their way of joking...I think!)

"Beauty and the Beast - the beast turns into a handsome prince...the ugly duckling turns into a swan...when the princess kisses the frog he turns into a prince...but in your case Calum fairytales don't come true"

Girls are nasty creatures aren't they? lol

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Saturday 14 May 2005

If only things couldn't get worse


I was hoping I could really avoid a whitewash yesterday, but it wasn't to be. I lost in squash, which completed a week full of loses for me. I was up against this Dilworth guy who was smaller than me but boy could he serve! He just smacked the ball and it rebounded against the wall towards me and before I had a chance to react it had bounced into the corner and I lost that point! Not helping was my serving either. I think that guy felt sorry for me so he gave me a few soft serves. In the middle of the game though, I started thinking to myself...

'I'm not gonna let this guy win! Especially not someone from a rich private school like Dilworth!'

He served the ball and I gripped the racquet tightly and smashed the ball! That definitely caught him by surprise! wasn't enough and I still got wasted 17-52 or something like that. Aonghas was the only one in our team to record a win against Dilworth but because our school lost 3-1 overall to Dilworth, we didn't get any points. The other team lost all their games against Kelston Boys.

The twins asked me to pick them up from their house afterschool to take them to squash, and their mum would take us all home. We went over to their place but no one was home! We thought they must've already gone so we left, but when we got to Club Physical we realised they hadn't turned up either. My mum went back and found Hyun sprinting his hardest with Joon walking a bit of a distance behind. Apparently their bus took the wrong turn and they had to walk home for an hour!

I was called to go to Guidance this morning. That got me wondering if the English teachers thought I needed a check-up on my sanity and my mental stability because I didn't get excellence in my formal writing. That's what Miss Edwards did to me in fourth form anyway! Mr Johnson the guidance councellor asked me if I ever had suicidal thoughts! I was thinking great! Friday the 13th, sent to the cuckoo house. It turns out that they wanted me to help out with some student-teacher bullying programme after school next Monday. That ain't so bad.

I've been visiting numerous form classes lately and it isn't as bad as I thought it would be! Students tend to get a bit rowdy after a while but they're really not as bad as people and teachers make them out to be! I've had heaps of useful suggestions and some not so useful information that I'll have to sort out.

Oh by the way I must really REALLY thank Phoebe!!! I helped her out with her webpage assessment over the holidays while she was in Hong Kong (supposed to be having a good time!) and she got me this Chinese movie as a thank-you present which she really shouldn't have! Can't thank you enough Phoebe!

Friday 13 May 2005

Yeah...Our School really needs that

I surveyed this year 10 form class today at school as part of my ongoing BOT student survey, asking for every student to write down their responses. For one of the questions I asked what students thought of our school resources. This is how one student responded:

"Our school should have a hot worker lady wearing a mini skirt and boob tube and hooker heels"


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Thursday 12 May 2005

Another Loss This Week

I haven't really posted much this week because I've been out so much! On Monday night I was rehearsing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra, as I'm filling in as a violist for the Night at the Proms concert next month. Being part of a symphony orchestra is definitely worth the experience! It is certainly a lot better than playing with the school orchestra, where you're the only violist, there are heaps of missing parts and the orchestra basically relies on the piano to keep everyone together.

I performed at my cousins' church last night to their mens group...well there was one female, but she is an exception! Aonghas and I performed on the accordion while our cousin Greg performed on the piano. He's going to sit his grade 6 piano exam soon. All the best to him! It's not often that we get together with our cousins (they're the evil ones, attending Henderson High!!).

And then this week there have been some not too happy events...

First it all started on Tuesday morning. I got a Merit for my Formal Writing. 'Awkward Sentences' 'awkward sentences' 'awkward sentences'. What really frustrates me though is that the English teacher gives you this false sense of confidence, when she proof-reads your essay she ticks and ticks and ticks it and tells you its all FINE! The reality is that it ain't, and it is all just a load of rubbish! I'm not so keen on taking seventh form English next year, and have been debating the point of English with the English teachers, but they all want me to continue to take English. I just don't really see the point! Why do we need to write essays on extended/short text? Sure it will improve our essay writing skills, but why does it have to be on certain texts? It will probably be the only time we will ever read the text (most likely because we were forced to!). The English teachers had some really good arguments but I still don't feel convinced.

That day continued to give me bad luck, as later that night my debating team lost to Howick! The moot we were given one hour prior to the debate was

"That New Zealand should become a republic"

Unfortunately we were on the negative side, and being a republican, it was slightly difficult for me! I was put as 3rd speaker and thankfully had enough rebuttal to last for 6 minutes to not have had to prepare a speech. I got 91/100 as my personal score, the second highest individual score, but it wasn't enough for our team to win. We lost by seven points.

Today we had our first chess game of the season. Yes you can probably guess the result! The members of the team had to be ranked according to their skill, but Hyun and Joon didn't want to play the best players so they put me down as No. 1. I lost in under half an hour, and so did everyone else in both of Rutherford's two chess teams. Hyun managed to pull off a win though! Once I had lost I came over to watch, and this little Taiwanese boy from Kristin was sitting there frustratingly waiting five minutes each time for Hyun to make a move. During that time I thought I'd help Hyun out by distracting this guy ;)

"So Kristin is both a boys and girls school?"


"You interested in any girls?"

"Nah I don't pay attention to them."

"You guys aren't segregated are you?"


"I'm used to 5 minute games!"

"So he's [Hyun] just delaying your win?"


Funnily enough he didn't find it as annoying as Hyun's slow decision-making!

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Monday 9 May 2005

Txt Crazy

Vodafone's first txt-free weekend was certainly welcomed by me!! My brother and I sent so many we had to clear the cellphone's memory several times! During our church service I forgot to put the cellphone on silent and it started ringing in the middle of the service! What made it worse was that it was this pretty feminine ringtone (hum the Charmed theme song...sounds something like that!) We got plenty of those chain txt messages telling us to forward it and get free airtime. My friend told me it actually happened to her, but when I read the news about Vodafone saying it was a hoax, I texted her back informing her of the news and she replied:

"Yeah I knew that I just wanted to waste your time you naive!"

I returned to teaching my recorder classes this recent weekend. I played this game with them where I stuck a sticker (masking tape because I had no stickers) on their forehead and they had to try work out what it said on it. They found it pretty sore peeling it off after though! One of the girls walked out the classroom with hers still stuck on! I'm getting paid tomorrow for the second time since I started teaching this year which will be exciting!

Yesterday was Mother's Day, which meant we visited our nana to drop off a present. It's really getting worrying how arthritis is affecting her. I think the effects are becoming more and more obvious. It is really taking its toll on her and her ability to do things. I'm really going to have to visit her more often! I visited my cousin's at the same time, and he has a PSP! It's really cool but not available in New Zealand yet. He was fortunate enough to spend time in Japan with his Japanese girlfriend and at the same time buy one for only about NZ$200.

Saturday 7 May 2005

We Won!!!

Aonghas and my squash team (Rutherford 1) won our games against Mt Roskill Grammar School! I won my game 35-18 against this guy. To put it in perspective though, when I was calling a game with a MRGS student who was recording the score, I asked him if he had played before. His response:

"Nah they just picked me off the street to make up numbers or else they would've had to default."

Unfortunately Hyun and Joon's team Rutherford 2 didn't do so well against Dilworth.

The chemistry test was HORRIBLE! There was a question on why halogens (group 17 atoms...please don't tell me I'm wrong about that as well!!) have low melting points, and I hardly studied much on periodicity. I tried last night, but I was lying down on bed and fell asleep! I really shouldn't lie down when studying... English wasn't too bad. I just recycled an essay I wrote for homework over the holidays. I made a few things up though, which isn't such a good idea this year round, considering the English teacher has read the novel probably three + times!

The school is getting rid of Coke, Pepsi and fizzy drinks and I only found out about it today when someone asked me to do something about it (I hardly use the tuckshop anyway)! It's probably the whole unhealthy argument again, or that caffeine will make all the students hypo, just like the student radio station would. Our school is reflecting the nanny state we live in, being controlled by so many rules and laws, not being able to do this and that!


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Thursday 5 May 2005

Not good Enough

"So what do you like about this school?"

Amazing how many students responded to that question...nearly none.

Our school is full of quite a lot of pessimists don't you think? Maybe they have good reason...

I've got three tests in two days - biology, chemistry and English. I've already done the biology test so I've got chemistry and English tomorrow. Can't wait till three day weekend!

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Monday 2 May 2005

Back to School

Everything's all on once again now that school has restarted. I've got three tests this week, and exams in five weeks time.

I gave a Chinese speech in assembly. It was a relief to know afterwards that my Chinese friends were able to understand what I had said! Miss Ho (my Chinese teacher) said I needed to improve my tones, so I was afraid I'd sound really bad!

I've finally managed to return my 40 Hour Famine money to school with a grand total of...$4.00. I suppose it is something at least. Not many people were keen on supporting me again this year after they had done so last year!

Yesterday I went with my family to watch our viola teacher perform with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra at the Town Hall. The theme was music from America and the 'New World'. They played music such as Dvorak's Symphony from the 'New World' which is one of my favourites!

Afterwards we went outside to be greeted by the Shihad concert at Aotea Square. I have no idea how those people standing near the front of the stage could stand listening to the EXTREMELY LOUD music thumping away! I was near the back of the crowd and it was still so loud I couldn't communicate with my brother! Most of the audience were black-clothed rockers, and I decided to leave and head off to Wendy's after a while. It was perfect timing too, as it just began to rain heavily!

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Sunday 1 May 2005

What's Normal?

I once was on the phone talking to my neighbour Zippo when she told me I was weird and different to other guys. I asked how, and she couldn't really come up with a reason except that most guys are jerks. So I thought I'd set out to try find out what a normal guy is like as opposed to what I'm like. Accordinng to another female friend:

"What most guys talk about is sex"

So do most people prefer normal guys who supposedly talk about sex all the time, or an abnormal guy who just talks about.. well...all sorts of random stuff which can be boring at times?

I'm none the wiser

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