Saturday 5 January 2013

Not a Goodbye, but a Cya Soon

Tonight we had a farewell dinner for John, our Sunday School teacher, as he returns to China later in the coming week. He has to return to China to work while his family remains in New Zealand. Hopefully he returns in a few months' time though!

We all went to Aunty Stephanie's (one of our former Sunday School teachers) house for a shared dinner. We usually have good get-togethers at her house! We were one of the last to arrive, as we had to drop Grace home, then take Cham and Andrew food shopping before the dinner, then pick our mum up from home.

We blessed the food before we all dug in. There was a lot of good food there, such as chicken wings, sushi, mini-spring rolls, dumplings and fried rice!

All us young people all ate together and caught up with one another. Aonghas tried drawing Leonie in some dress on his new phone.

After dinner, it was time for the speeches! We all gathered in the lounge, and us students were asked first to give speeches. Because I earlier complained to Jenny that she always sounded so smart and put us to shame (jokingly of course!), I was egged on to speak first! I thanked him for always teaching us new things, keeping on time, and being there for us. Others shared how John is a gentle giant, and incredibly patient, putting up with the long silences in our Sunday School class!

Angie and Jenny then presented John with a card and farewell present on behalf of us, which was a book and a little backpack for his kids!

Some of the others gave some speeches and Tim presented a present on behalf of the church (he is in charge of English Sunday School at our church!)

before we concluded by singing a song based on Psalms. Aunty Stephanie then asked if I wanted to sing a song! She mistakenly thought I wanted to sing a song! I was a little caught off-guard, and all I could think of was that we sing Amazing Grace, so that ended up being the last song we sung!

It was time for supper! Jenny had baked some muffins which were quite nice! She did spoil it a little by telling us she used a muffin mix! That's OK, it took nothing away from how good it tasted! There was also some nice mango ice-cream that Time had brought too.

People were soon leaving as it got later. We had church the next day after all! As we were about to leave, we discovered Angie had left her phone behind! I guess it was up to me to return it to her again!

It'll be sad seeing John leave. He was a great teacher, and always had something insightful to share with us. I really do hope he comes back sometime in the not too distant future! All the best, John, no matter where the future leads you!

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