Monday 7 January 2013

And the Programme Begins!

Today was the first day of the children's summer programme at our church. We all had to be there by 8.30am in the morning for a 9am start. We got there slightly usual, but fortunately things hadn't really begun yet.

We started the programme with some games as we waited for all the kids to arrive. We were a little caught off-guard as we hadn't thought much about the games in the morning! The younger kids played simple games like Duck, Duck, Goose while we managed to come up with games such as Octopus, this game where boys and girls had to tag the other before they reached the other end, and the shark game involving a parachute, where kids who were underneath the parachute were the sharks!

The real programme started at 9.30, when the kids were welcomed and told of the rules, and then it was down to me to do some singing with them. I led one song 'Awesome God' with the kids with Joylynn and Antonia as my helpers and Aonghas playing keyboard for me. It's quite simple and short, so I just had to mix it up a bit, getting the kids to sing the song a little different each time, such as singing it quieter and then really loud. I like how when you get them to sing it really loud, they get really into it and start shouting! It makes you feel good!

Tim and Tania, who usually come to our church to run the programme, were running all the activities today, so they played some games and told a few stories to the kids while us helpers sat among the kids to support them. I got in a little trouble for talking a bit too much. Thanks a lot Rebecca, she's always getting me in trouble!

It was time for morning tea, and so the kids went to wash their hands before they came back to eat. I was the leader of the dark blue group, with Alex, Ben and Eva helping out. Our group consisted of nine-year-olds, including Enoch and Tommy, two kids who I'm very familiar with at church! I was surprised at how little the kids ate! There were still biscuits, chips and fruit left on the plates afterwards!

After morning tea, Tim and Tania continued with their programme. All the kids got into their activity groups (different to their craft groups, the age of the kids are all mixed) and were asked to discuss the questions put up on the powerpoint. Each group then had to send two representatives up to Tim to give an answer, with the team giving the best answer giving points. Our team was the smallest for some reason! NO wonder our group (the skulls with the hat) had been losing all day! I always seem to be put in the losing group!

The last activity we did with the kids was craft! Today's craft was making an edible treasure chest, using jelly beans, fruit loops, Cheerios, icing sugar and those healthy wafer biscuits. Once again the kids were quite quick and finished making their creations very fast! They soon started to just eat the lollies straight out of the bowl! To be honest, I was expecting a whole lot more trouble from these kids!

The programme ends at around midday each day, and we still had a few minutes to spare, so I was asked to do singing with the kids one more time. I just repeated the same song I did with them earlier in the day.

All of us helpers remained behind for a bit of a review of the day, and then lunch!

The day went by quite fast! I guess it'll go by even faster when we're more involved tomorrow.

We all ended up leaving church by 3pm, but I got home and just found it absolutely boring! I had nothing to do! To make things worse, it was quite hot! I just ended up falling asleep on the laptop again! When I see everyone's statuses on Facebook about returning to work today, I kinda wish I had a job to go back to now! I really need the money!

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