Friday 18 January 2013

Build that Bridge!

Tonight's activity for Oddfellows was simple: build the strongest bridge that can hold up the most number of hymn books, and then you win! I put all the engineers/engineering students together, then split everyone up in school groups (Massey, Rutherford, Avondale+St Dominics, Westlake+Rangitoto, Sunderland+Birkenhead).

I gave each group several Chinese newspapers (I went to several Chinese grocery stores earlier in the day with my mum and Aonghas and grabbed a few for free..thanks guys!) and 100m of cellotape and gave them the whole night.

It was interesting to see the different ideas people had! Initially I wasn't sure the activity was going to work, because I got it off Youtube, and just made up the rules. People kept asking me questions to clarify the rules, so I had to consult the engineering students/engineers to see what they thought (but trying not to give them an advantage!).

Some groups pretty much created one big, fat, sturdy log, while another group made a platform, while another did a criss cross style. The engineering students/engineers created this elaborate bridge with support structures!

The test was yet to come...

Massey were up first, and surprised us all! There were only three in their group while every other group had four people. They managed to hold up nine hymn books!

The other groups followed.

Finally, it was up to the engineering students/engineers. They had designed their bridge to put hymn books on either side of the centre, but that went against the rules and what everyone else did, which was to place the book in the middle of the bridge! They had to make some slight adjustments to their bridge.

Their bridge came close to beating Massey, but they were one hymn book short, and Massey won! We then tested their bridge by the way they wanted it to be, and it could hold ten hymn books!

We ended the night with ice cream and whacking each other with newspaper bridges.

Congratulations Massey High guys!




Avondale/St Dominics


Engineers/Engineering Students

1 comment:

  1. hahaha the engineering s tudents r so inspiring
